Galeria advertises safe shopping “without a mask” and is criticized by Minister of Health Lauterbach

One can certainly understand that after two years of pandemic-related closures and restrictions on shopping, the retail trade is breathing a sigh of relief that the mask requirement has officially been lifted. Opinions differ on whether this should be advertised openly.

The department store chain Galeria put up signs in some of its branches on which it spoke about safe shopping without a mask and welcomed customers. This was not welcomed by all visitors and sparked backlash on Twitter.

Journalist Pegah Julia Meggendorfer asked there “Am I the only one who thinks that this sign is a wrong sign?”. Apparently not, because Twitter user Tahar Schaa took up this comment and added: “#GaleriaKarstadtKaufhof supports online retail in Germany with a great #Querdenker @FDP initiative. Motto: ‘The virus loves you all’.”

The journalist’s tweet also reached Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach, who commented: “You shouldn’t put up posters like this. You are certainly not safe from a corona infection without a mask”.

However, the official protective and hygiene measures of Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof GmbH, as they can be found on the company’s website, have not been changed. There it is still recommended to wear a mask according to the valid regulation, to keep your distance and to wash your hands regularly and thoroughly.

And these are measures that are not only recommended for corona prevention, but also for bad breath, “no mask anxiety”, the prevention of droplet infections and other real threats.

The mask requirement in retail was officially lifted on April 3rd. However, retail companies are allowed by domiciliary rights to determine for themselves whether customers have to wear a mask to visit a store or not.
