Galatasaray, Mertens at work to help earthquake victims

The attacker with his wife Katrin does not deny himself: he made himself available in the assembly center in Istanbul. In Naples he brought pizzas to the homeless

Dries Mertens never backs down. The Belgian forward, who moved to Galatasaray last summer after nine seasons at Napoli, rolled up his sleeves in the face of the tragedy that hit Turkey. He and his wife Katrin have made themselves available in the center organized by the club at the Nef Stadium to unload and organize the aid that is arriving for the victims of the earthquake. Galatasaray released the photos on the club’s Instagram profile.

Golden Heart

It’s nothing new for the Belgian player who has repeatedly stood out for his attention to the weakest. In Naples he sometimes went around at night with some friends to distribute pizzas to the homeless. Or he was dedicated to collecting clothes for the children and visiting the hospital.

A commitment – never advertised in person by the player – for others that he shares with his wife Katrin. In Naples they had also done their utmost to support a shelter for abandoned dogs.
