Galatasaray 2-3 Basaksehir (MATCH RESULT SUMMARY)

Ziraat Turkish Cup quarter-finals were the scene of an exciting match. Galatasaray hosted Başakşehir in the quarter-finals, played with a single-match elimination system.

Başakşehir, who won the match with a score of 3-2, managed to eliminate Galatasaray and made its name to the semi-finals. In the fight, Başakşehir’s goals came from Syszys in the 12th and 66th minutes and Aleksic in the 30th minute. Galatasaray’s goals were scored by Kaan Ayhan in the 20th minute and Icardi in the 51st minute.


In the quarter-final match of Ziraat Turkish Cup, Galatasaray lost 3-2 to Medipol Başakşehir at home and said goodbye to the cup. After this result, Başakşehir became the opponent of MKE Ankaragücü in the semi-finals.

In the 5th minute, as a result of the pressure of Galatasaray, Icardi met the ball in the penalty arc and left his pass to Kerem Aktürkoğlu on the left diagonal inside the penalty area. Kerem’s right-footed shot to the far goal post, met with leather nets, but the goal was canceled due to offside as a result of VAR warning.

Başakşehir took the lead in the 12th minute. Meeting the ball in the middle area, Serdar left his pass in front of Szysz on the left diagonal. Szysz’s shot from the left diagonal into the penalty area met with round leather nets: 0-1.

Galatasaray came very close to the goal in the 15th minute. As a result of Torreira’s pressure on the Başakşehir defense on the left diagonal outside the penalty area, the ball was suddenly in front of Icardi. With Icardi’s shot from the left diagonal in front of the penalty arc, the ball returned to the playing field from the crossbar.

Galatasaray caught the draw in the 20th minute. In the corner used by Kerem from the right, Icardi took the ball to the back with his head on the front post. Kaan Ayhan’s head shot in front of the penalty box hit the net: 1-1.

Başakşehir took the lead again in the 30th minute. Figueiredo, who met the ball in the left diagonal inside the penalty area with Serdar’s pass, took his pass to Aleksic, located around the penalty spot. In the smooth shot of Aleksic, the leather met the round nets: 1-2.

Başakşehir Technical Director Emre Belözoğlu saw a red card in the 38th minute. Belözoğlu first received a yellow card at the side of the field for objecting to the referee. Afterwards, the 42-year-old coach continued his objections to assistant referee Volkan Ahmet Narinç and was sent off with a direct red card.

In the 40th minute, Kazımcan’s left side hit the ball, which Mertens touched in the penalty arc, but the goal was deemed invalid after the VAR review.

The first half of the fight ended with the 2-1 superiority of the visiting team.

Galatasaray caught the draw in the 51st minute. Meeting the ball on the right flank, Zaniolo took his pass to Icardi within the goal area. The ball touched by the Argentine striker hit the net: 2-2.

Başakşehir took the lead again in the 66th minute. The ball, which Aleksic turned from the left side, remained in front of Mahmut Tekdemir in front of the goal area. Goalkeeper Muslera swerved Mahmut’s shot. Szysz completed the ball bouncing off Muslera on the back post: 2-3.

Galatasaray came very close to the goal in the 86th minute. In the middle of Rashica’s right side, Gomis’s head shot from the back post hit the post and returned to the field of play. Finding the spinning ball in front of him, Barış Alper Yılmaz’s shot also took Touba off the line this time.

The match ended with the guest team Başakşehir 3-2 superiority.


Galatasaray Coach Okan Buruk made 4 changes in the match compared to 11 of the last Adana Demirspor match. Acrid; Instead of Nelsson, Adekugbe, Oliveira and Rashica; He appointed Kaan Ayhan, Kazımcan Karataş, Midtsjö and Zaniolo. Italian football player Nicolo Zaniolo, who was later included in the game in 3 games in the Super League, found himself in the 11th for the first time with the Başakşehir match. In addition, Kazımcan Karataş in the yellow-red team took part in 11 after 12 matches.


While the fans of Galatasaray, the leader of the Super League, are already preparing for the championship; The new song and clip made for the atmosphere in the stands were presented to the fans before the match. Vibe Global named the song “You’re the Owner of My Heart” for Galatasaray on its way to the championship. The song was produced by Özgür Mısral, the lyrics-music-voiced by Enes Çapalar and the arrangement was undertaken by Soner Kırmızıgül.

