Gaia Trussardi, Adriano Giannini: «In Milan for her»

THEn an interview with Corriere della Sera, Adriano Giannini told some parts of his personal life and career. Precisely today, Thursday 14 December, the movie Slowlydirected by Stefano Sollima, in which he plays a ruthless policeman.

“Adagio” is released at the cinema, a sentimental noir with Favino, Servillo and Mastandrea

Adriano Giannini and his love for Gaia Trussardi

In the interview with Corriere, the actor – who will play Rocco Siffredi’s half-brother in the series Supersex with Alessandro Borghi – spoke of the love that binds him to daughter of Nicola Trussardi. «I got married in 2019 to Gaia Trussardi and I moved to Milan for his job. The following year there was Covid and we experienced, with his two teenage children, an extreme coexistence.”

He added. «I’m not a father, I’m not, I try to show respect. During Covid I learned to make bread and I wrote a fairy tale with Gaia».

Gaia Trussardi and Adriano Giannini on 2 September 2023 in Venice for the red carpet of the film “Adagio”. Credit: Dominique Charriau/WireImage

First job as a cinematographer

The son of Giancarlo Giannini and Livia Giampalmo told the Courier of having started as a cinematographer. «After high school I did it for eleven years. The first film is my mother’s, Evelina and her children. The autobiographical story of a woman with two children. I was willing to do any job on set, without having any skills. I had no idea what to do. I wanted to earn some money to go to America to learn English».

This desire had, in particular, a profound reason. «The loss of my brother Lorenzo, who died of a brain aneurysm, also had something to do with it. We were very close, holidays together, laughter and arguments. I remained anesthetized by the pain, I tried to move forward without thinking, I threw myself among the workers on the sets.”

Also in the pipeline was the meeting with Madonna: «She was nice and affable»

The son of art then explained. «I also did it as an operator two semi-hard filmswith unbearable porn actresses, they didn’t even say good morning, after two hours nothing but testosterone, I only saw squalor. I went through a long apprenticeship.”

Among the most interesting projects was undoubtedly the remake of Overwhelmed by an unusual destiny in the blue sea of ​​August by Lina Wertmüller. Released in 2002, Overwhelmed by fate (directed by Guy Ritchie) was not a success at the box office, but it was the opportunity for the Italian actor to meet Madonnaprotagonist of the film with him.

«My father was against me being an actor, too many unknowns, but he encouraged me in the remake of his cult. It was all too much to back out. Madonna had it less than some Italian actresses cwho have made two dramas. The morning I let her find me cwith two enormous stagehands and we did a dance about Kylie Minogue, with whom she had argued. She told us to go to hell. She was nice, affable.”

