Gabrielle helps the elderly with difficult arrangements, stay independent and more

There are seniors who only have a small social network, who want to move house or who can no longer keep up with the digital world. Where can you go for help as a Zoetermeerder? That’s possible at effort, the central entrance for residents with a need for care or assistance. “We are also often a great help to the family,” says elderly advisor Gabriëlle.

Gabrielle Verhaegen has been working for about six years Well-being palette, which has been under the flag of inZet since 2021. “I offer advice, information and support to seniors living independently in Zoetermeer,” she says. “You don’t need an indication or referral to come to us, you can simply contact inZet. The requests for help can be small or large and everything is free of charge. In this way we provide low-threshold assistance.”

Different types of help

“What I help with differs per person,” explains Gabrielle. “That can be something as small as renewing a driver’s license, but I’ve also experienced that someone almost ends up on the street because their partner has died and it doesn’t work out on their own. We are active in all kinds of areas of life.” For example, you can think of:

  • Help with making applications
  • Living at home longer
  • Informal care
  • Transport
  • Meeting and activities

Fighting loneliness

“I know that for some elderly people I am pretty much the only point of contact in their lives,” says Gabriëlle. “They have a very small network. When you hear things like ‘I’m glad I’m not alone’ and ‘I trust you’, it’s sometimes doubly nice to hear, but at the same time I’m glad they know where to find us. Especially since the corona crisis, I have seen that many seniors find it difficult to start doing things independently again.”

I see the elderly blossom again

For example, sometimes seniors are no longer mobile, so they hardly get out of the house. “We can then help with an indication so that they are eligible for suitable transport,” explains Gabriëlle. “I can also point them to various volunteer organizations in the area or explain how the ‘elderly bus’ works. People often don’t know what the options are. For example, there are also people who have started working as volunteers at our center. I see them blossoming completely because they belong again and can make themselves useful.”

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Gabrielle is ready for you | Photo via inZet

Support where it is needed

Gabriëlle and her colleagues know exactly what possibilities there are in the neighborhood and can provide information about schemes or how you can, for example, find more connections. “But of course the person requesting help decides what he or she wants, we advise and support where we can. I often notice that the lack of digital skills plays a role. For example, if you want to apply for a waiver and can’t access your digital statements, things go awry. Many processes are quite complicated, so we are happy to help with that.”

Help for family members

Not only the elderly themselves benefit from the help, says Gabrielle. “We regularly speak to children who are involved with their elderly parents, but who no longer see the forest for the trees in terms of regulations. For example, they want to know where they can find certain information about garden maintenance, a WMO application, registration with Woonnet or activities. Then we can set things in motion together.”

Make sure you look for help now, even if it’s not necessary yet

“Nowadays, many seniors will have to live at home for as long as possible, and they often want to,” Gabrielle adds. “In my work I see a lot of people who are no longer able to do that. And I wish people that they take action now, even if you don’t need help at the moment. It is good to think about how you want to be in the future and what you could do about it now, for example in the field of housing and a social network. The waiting times for domestic help are also increasing considerably. Please knock on our door in time to know what to expect.”

Need a push in the right direction?

Do you also need a listening ear or practical support, for yourself or a loved one? effort is the central entrance for residents of Zoetermeer with a request for help and has a partnership with nine organizations and five partners, each with its own specialism. For example, you can easily contact various care providers in the following areas with your care or assistance request:

  • Money and administration
  • Living and environment
  • Health and Balance
  • Family and relationships
  • Participate in society

Here you can read what inZet could do for you. “If you could also use some help, then you are most welcome at inZet and Palet Welzijn”, concludes Gabriëlle. “Feel free to contact us and inZet will see how you can best be helped. This can be done at home, by telephone or in our center.”

Also commit yourself to fellow townspeople

Have you become enthusiastic about Gabrielle’s story and are you looking for a nice job in the heart of the neighbourhood? on the website of inZet you will find the vacancies that are currently open. You can also find more information about volunteer opportunities here. In this way you can mean something to someone else in an accessible way, be active and develop your own talents.
