Gabriela Cerruti accused of giving erroneous information

The presidential spokeswoman Gabriela Cerrutti retweeted the thread of tweets from the @Portavoz_Ar account in which they accuse the portal to give “erroneous information” in the report entitled “One year after the end of his administration, Alberto Fernandez He only kept 5 of his 20 campaign promises.” “On the three-year anniversary of President @alferdezthe portal @checked publishes misinformation about campaign promises. Checking to Checked”; the tweet said.

In his report, Chequeado argues that the promise to improve the mercosur it was “delayed”, to which the tweet shared by Cerruti indicated that “dialogue was improved” and “a promising agenda was established”; They also highlighted the “growth of intra-Mercosur trade, which reached the highest value since 2014” and argued that “in 2021, USD 41,000 million, an increase of 42% compared to 2020.” Chequeado had said that “according to the monitoring of an institute of the IDB on the regional bloc and a technical report from Mercosur, there are no concrete actions promoted by the Government of the front of all.

Regarding the growth of exports, which Chequeado also described as “delayed”, in the tweet shared by the spokesperson it was argued that “in the first ten months of 2022 they reached a record of USD 75,144 million, exceeding USD 10,000 million per year 2019”. According to the portal, exports had increased by 40% until October compared to the same period in 2019, during the management of Mauricio Macri as president. “However, this increase was exclusively due to the rise in international prices (42.4%), while in quantities 2% less was exported than in 2019.” In addition, the newspaper pointed out that the policies to promote the export of primary resources present delays and that according to the information they have “will not have an impact in the short term.”

Likewise, the questioning shared by Cerruti highlighted the “recovery of investment in the university budget” with an investment of $34,980.2 million that benefits 1.5 million students.” Chequeado had said that “in 2022, investment in universities remained above 2019, the worst year in terms of disbursements by the government of Mauricio Macri, but it fell compared to 2021” and that “the amount still does not reach the numbers of 2018, the second lowest year of the management of Cambiemos ”.

In addition, in the thread, the @Portavoz_Ar account highlighted that the Ministry of Science He once again had a ministerial rank, as opposed to the rank of Secretary that the government of Mauricio Macri had given him in 2018.

While the delivery of homes was also a subject that Chequeado described as “delayed”, the tweet alleged that by 2023 they will have been delivered “100 thousand houses”. It was also highlighted as an achievement that “until December 2019 there were 220,000 construction workers. In September 2022 there are more than 450,000, of which half work in housing and public works.

Among the things that the portal recognizes as “accomplished” of the current management are the reactivation of consumption, the creation of the Ministry of womenthe legalization of abortion, the de-dollarization of tariffs, and a good technical functioning of the INDEC.

between the promises “delayed” there are also the protection of forests, the development of the sustainable minority, and the creation of a law so that retirees do not pay for medicines.

like promises “unfulfilled”Checked grouped the creation of a Security Council, the fight against hunger, the accumulation of reserves and the recomposition of retirements.

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