Gabriel Katopodis: “Our enemy is defeatism, thinking that the election is already lost”

“Our only enemy is defeatism, and those who have already lowered their arms, Thinking that this election is already lost. There are colleagues who do not know where to load themselves with hope,” said the Minister of Public Works Gabriel Katopodis, acknowledging what many other government officials show with a lack of action in the face of management challenges and in the midst of an election year. “There’s nothing to do“, they mark almost in chorus before distributing internal blame according to the column to which they belong in the Front of all

The hope that Sergio Massa put the economy on track and inflation down seems out of the question. But the minister will not be replaced, mainly because there is no replacement. And if he had, anyway, a change in the last stretch of management could be explosive. On the contrary, and even without results, the leader of the Renovation Front It appears as one of the best cards of the Frente de Todos when it comes to seeking another mandate. “There is no other,” they suggest, “he is the only one who continues to rule.”

“There are things that work well and others that we did not have the expected results. We must explain how we are going to do the things that did not work out,” insists Katopodis, former mayor of San Martín, one of the districts where Albertism nested after the defeat in 2015.”we have to keep working against inflation and the recovery of wages”, he adds. But the Front is worn out by an internal that pushes almost to the rupture, something that will probably happen in the face of an electoral defeat.

“We work so that there is unity, what gives us is the front and not the candidates. We have to get back to what’s important. What served in 2019 has to serve to face this new stage. There has to be unity, if there is no agreement there is no STEP, and there are no conditions for us to prevent macrismo from winning. If we all agree that the best way is for there to be a step, we will go to the STEP. The political order will allow us an economic order,” Katopodis complains.

Photogallery President Alberto Fernández said that there is

The one from San Martín is in favor of reaching an agreement that avoids the STEP, but he sees it as difficult. Alberto Fernández seems determined to force an inmate to prove to Cristina Kirchner that her space is not that strong at the polls. And that she lacks powerful candidates if she declines her candidacy, as Mauricio Macri already did. “She wanted to continue in 2019 and now she wanted to continue being a candidate but people have very fresh marks of anguish from his government and that is why she dropped a candidacy,” says Katopodis.

It’s probably the other way around. One of the reasons why Re-election is complicated for the ruling parties in the world. and the cycles are shortened in the face of the electorate’s boredom with traditional politics. Hence, not even albertistas like Katopodis, shake with conviction the re-election of Alberto Fernández. “He is a candidate who has all the conditions to be, but I think it will have to be his choice,” the minister said yesterday in the trigger (Delta 90.3).

Augustine Rossi.

“President Alberto Fernández has the constitutional right to run for re-election. So far he has not advanced any decision. The President is thinking about the conditions for the Frente de Todos to be the most competitive in electoral terms,” ​​added the chief of staff, with the same means. Augustine Rossi. “The aspiration is that the Frente de Todos continue to govern and that the right does not govern again. I do not doubt that commitment of any of our leaders,” added the man from Santa Fe, apparently running to the president of the contest.

“There is an expression of desire of Together for the Change of we won’t make it to the end of the year, but it will not be fulfilled. Every time they criticize economic policy, the markets turn their backs on them,” continued Rossi, based on a doubt that grew in the last week, after the clashes between Minister Sergio Berni and bus drivers. And where the presidential spokeswoman Gabriela Cerruti , ruled out the climate of a social outbreak.

The vice president’s tweet reprimand for the inexperience in handling the security crisis was a call to her own troops to not collaborate in the face of multiple conflicts. worsen the scenario. And it is that Cristina Kirchner he is already content with damage control in an almost certain withdrawal.

by RN

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