Fustal, Olimpus wins 4-3 and is -2 from Napoli

Corsair Blues in Melilli and now -2 from a Napoli engaged in the super SkyMatch against Pesaro. Pescara, redemption with interest. Women’s Serie A: Lazio, what a comeback!

Olimpus Roma puts pressure on leaders Napoli Futsal, during the week in Castelvolturno visiting their football “big brother”. Blues masters the match of Melilli for three quarters of the match, ahead 4-1 with Sacon, Cutrupi, Dimas and Isgrò, then pull the plug: Rizzo in 25″ reopens everything, but the clamorous draw does not arrive, but two other reds (those of Gianino and Diogo) to bring up the rear of Serie A, after the expulsions of Bocci and Pasqua. Thanks to the 4-3 in Sicily, the Blues (who have formalized the appeal to the Court of Appeal for the three penalty points and are closing the Humberto futsalmercato deal) are only two points behind Napoli Futsal, engaged in the Sunday postponement against Italservice Pesaro, one of the two SkyMatches, together with Feldi-Petrarca.


Redemption Pescara in the 19th day of the regular season of Serie A futsal. Driven once again by Bukovec (brace), Despa’s roster returns to success in the direct match against Sandro Abate, overwhelmed 7-2 and overtaken in the standings. The L84 secures the playoffs by adjusting the 360GG Monastir, complete with a clean sheet. Two big surprises: the first is from Ciampino. Who overturns the more popular Real San Giuseppe 5-4 by putting heavy points in the farmhouse for salvation and forgetting the defeat in the Italian Cup with Fortitudo Pomezia, the second is from Nuova Comauto Pistoia. Emanuele Fratini’s team reverses the prediction, opens the crisis of Meta Catania, annihilated 7-3, and can continue to hope for salvation. The draw for the day is given by the 3-3 between Fortitudo Pomezia and Came Dosson: one is just one point from the playoffs, the other slips off the podium.


These are the results of the nineteenth day of Serie A New Energy: L84-360GG Monastir 2-0, Città di Melilli-Olimpus Roma 3-4, Ciampino Aniene-Real San Giuseppe 5-4, Nuova Comauto Pistoia-Meta Catania 7-3, Fortitudo Pomezia-Came Dosson 3-3, Futsal Pescara-Sandro Abate 7-2, Feldi Eboli-Petrarca (05/02, 6.15 pm, live on Sky Sport), Napoli Futsal-Italservice Pesaro (05/02, 8.45 pm, live on Sky Sport). Ranking: Napoli Futsal 42, Olimpus Roma* 40, Futsal Pescara 36, ​​Came Dosson 35, Feldi Eboli and L84 34, Sandro Abate Avellino 31, Real San Giuseppe** 26, Fortitudo Pomezia 25, Meta Catania 23, Ciampino Aniene 22, Italservice Pesaro 19, 360GG Monastir 16, Petrarca 15, Nuova Comauto Pistoia** 11, City of Melilli 4. *three penalty points. **one penalty point.


Crazy advance of Serie A Puro Bio. Lazio went 0-3 down at the interval, but in less than eight minutes of the second half Marchese and Grieco had already overturned the VIP Tombolo. Mascia and again Marchese sign the super run of 6-0. The goals by Valenzano and Balardin were useless in the final: the 6-5 biancoceleste was worth a redemption.
