Fun fact: this is the fastest route to the beach from Zoetermeer

With public transport

From Zoetermeer you can reach the beach of Scheveningen very quickly. The fastest option is to take RandstadRail tram 3 or 4 to The Hague Central Station. From here you can take HTM tram 9. Tram 17 is also possible, but then you go in the direction of the Statenkwartier / Scheveningen Haven. Bus 22 also runs to the beach of Scheveningen.

It takes an hour to get to Kijkduin by public transport. You can take tram 3 from Zoetermeer RandstadRail in the direction of Loosduinen. Get off at the Pisuissestraat stop and from there take HTM bus 26 towards Kijkduin beach.

To Katwijk aan Zee you take the bus twice. Within an hour you are on the Katwijk beach. From the Woonhart stop in Zoetermeer, take Arriva bus 400 to Leiden CS. From there take Arriva bus 431 to Katwijk.

Public transport to the beach of Noordwijk or Monster takes at least an hour and a quarter, take into account frequent transfers.

RandstadRail. Photo: Tom de Rooij / TDR Photography
