Füllkrug gives insight into future planning

The currently injured Bundesliga top scorer Niclas Füllkrug has spoken about his future and revealed, among other things, that he can well imagine following in the footsteps of SVW legend Claudio Pizarro.

On paper, the situation with Niclas Füllkrug is clear: the contract of the national player and top scorer of the Green-Whites is still dated until the summer of 2025. Those responsible shouldn’t really have anything to worry about, but the 30-year-old shooting star of the last few months, who made it into the DFB team and to the World Cup in Qatar in winter, is in great demand. It is quite possible that the striker will want to take the next step towards a top club in the summer.

Where exactly it goes is still open. Füllkrug only wants to decide and comment after the season. Those responsible in Bremen still hope to stay. At the moment, however, both fans and bosses are waiting. After all: At “werder.de” Füllkrug has now looked into the more distant future and revealed what he wants to do after his professional career.

“I want to play amateur football there. I can well imagine playing there first and watching later,” he said, explaining: “It’s all still a bit more intimate, just totally honest football, where it’s all about playing football and Money doesn’t really matter.”

It could take a while before Füllkrug retires, because the attacker, who turned 30 at the beginning of February, still has a lot planned. When asked if he could imagine doing the same as Werder icon Claudio Pizarro, who only ended his career at the age of 41, Füllkrug said clearly: “If the body allows it, yes. Definitely.”

Werder Bremen: Füllkrug hopes for improvement

However, Füllkrug has already had a lot of experience with minor and, above all, major injuries. He kept suffering from knee problems and even tore his cruciate ligament in September 2019. The most successful Bundesliga striker with 16 goals is currently suffering from a calf injury that has been bothering him since mid/late April.

It was very difficult for him to watch, Füllkrug admitted, but added: “But I hope it will change again in the short term.” In Bremen, they want to carefully build up Füllkrug so that he can still be used in the final spurt of the season.

“He played through two years, had English weeks and was with the national team. There was no break for regeneration. That’s why it’s nothing unusual that he now has problems with his calf,” said Werder’s professional boss Clemens Fritz recently at ” Picture”.

The 30-year-old is currently training individually and completing a rehabilitation program. For the game against RB Leipzig at the weekend, the attacker is not an issue.
