Full moon in Virgo on March 7: what time and what does it mean

Stmaybe because of the warmer temperatures, maybe because of that scent of flowers that lingers in the air, but it really seems like the time has come to to clean, make free space. Yes, that’s right, but it’s not just because of the proximity to spring. There is another reason that is added: today, in fact, around 13.30 the full moon in Virgo arrives in the sky.

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Full Moon in Virgo: What Does It Mean?

For who was not an expert on stars, the Full Moon in Virgo expresses a concept of orderbut above all, given the proximity of the new season, di a new beginning.

And, in fact, it is the most suitable time to set an all-round detoxreleasing all that we have long held, purifying the body but especially the mindfreeing him from obsessive thoughts, dry branches and toxic ties.

Today the Full Moon enters Virgo. (Getty Images)

Letting go, making room for the new

The Full Moon phase in Virgo indicates the need to let go, to free up space to welcome what the universe is ready to send us. It’s a Moon that doesn’t rush, but gives calm and mental clarity. AND rewards those who set goals and work hard to achieve them.

The main feature of this full moon is the beneficial solicitation of Uranus both towards the Sun and towards the Moonwhich, of course, are opposites and which seems to indicate that the time has come for us to assert ourselves, and ask to be truly recognized.

The effects on the zodiac signs (for those who believe it)

The Full Moon in Virgo would also have effects on the zodiac signs, above all Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius and Virgo herself.

According to astrologers, those born under the sign of Ayou think they will find explosive loves, while i Bull they will prefer to tidy up. All the energy felt come on Twins it will seem to get out of hand and for this it would be good to drop everything for a while. An extreme need to say what they feel will score i Cancerwhile I Lion they will be disposed to happiness.

Time to say enough

For the Virgin, having the Moon in one’s sign, the time seems to have come to say enough to what no longer works. The Scales they will feel alone and Scorpios will feel that it is time to be reborn, while i Sagittarius they will feel like they have no responsibility.

Greater sense of independence for i Capricornwhile the Acquarium they will be very active and practical. Finally, for i Fish it will be a Moon that will push them to renew themselves.

