Fulham returns to the Premier League

Fulham is not used to playing two seasons at the same league level.

Fábio Carvalho (left) and Harrison Reed celebrate Fulham’s rise. AOP

Supporters of Fulham in London are not bored.

On Tuesday, Mökkiläiset already secured a promotion to next season’s Premier League, but it hardly surprised anyone who had followed the team’s recent moves.

The team has last played two seasons at the same league level in 2016–2018.

Since then there has been a promotion to the Premier League (2018), relegation to the Championship Series (2019), promotion to the Premier League (2020), relegation to the Championship Series (2021) and now another promotion to the Premier League (2022).

This spring, however, the pace is so much better that when the previous two league promotions only took place through the success of the Playoffs, Fulham is now certainly among the two straight risers.

The matter was confirmed on Tuesday when the team knocked down Preston 3-0 at home. Serbian tip Aleksandar Mitrovic scored two goals in the match and lifted his balance for the season to an already confusing 40 full hit.

Another place for a straight ascender is Bournemouth.
