Fuels, gasoline and diesel prices drop

Green drops to € 1.77 per liter as before the war in Ukraine. However, the reduction in excise duties decided by the government weighs heavily on the tariff

Seeing the price of gasoline below the 1.8 euro per liter threshold, specifically at 1.77, pushes us back to January of this year, before the war in Ukraine and the boom in energy prices. But appearances can be deceiving if you do not remember that there is a substantial difference: the drop in greenery announced by the Ecological Transition ministry includes government aid of 30 cents per liter for fuel to support families and businesses. measure extended until 20 September with the aid Decree bis at the beginning of August for about 900 million euros. Deadline just before the political elections (25 September) and with the prospect of a “complex” autumn as defined by Prime Minister Mario Draghi in July or one to shake the wrists on the front of prices, tariffs and consumption, as consumer associations fear . So, without the providential intervention decided by the government last March, today a liter of gasoline would be over the 2 euro threshold.

the dynamics of prices

If before mid-August, in the week from 8 to 14, a liter of green self was paid for 1.830 euros, on 15 August there was a variation on the weekly average in favor of consumers of 3.30% (therefore a cut of 6, 03 cents). Diesel also saw a decline: it was indicated by the Mite at 1.756 euros per liter, with a variation of -3.02% equal to 5.47 cents compared to 1.811 euros on 8 August.

the comparison with 2021

Fuel prices go down at the pump but not enough according to Assoutenti: “Compared to the same period in 2021, petrol is now 7% more expensive, while 16.5% more is spent on diesel – explains the president Furio Truzzi – despite the cut in excise duties, therefore, a full tank of diesel costs 12.5 euros more today (+6 euros a full green one). Aggravations that weigh like a boulder on those who are traveling by car to reach the locations these days holidays, and which fuel the growth in retail prices of transported products, starting with foodstuffs. We believe – observes Truzzi – there is ample scope for a further significant reduction in fuel prices which still remain too high despite the interventions of urgency adopted by the government “.

oil and gas

On the energy front, oil is trying to rebound (Wti + 0.55% at 87.01 dollars a barrel) and remains below 90 dollars in Texas, while Brent from the North Sea (+ 0.55% at 92, $ 85 a barrel) remains below $ 93. Gas accelerated slightly, with futures contracts for the month of September rising 0.92% to € 228 per MWh in Amsterdam and 1.73% to GBP 4.5 per Mbtu in London. Meanwhile, Russia – according to estimates seen exclusively by the Agency Reuters – predicts that the average export price of its gas this year will touch 730 dollars per 1,000 cubic meters, more than double compared to 2021 when it cost 304.6 dollars per thousand cubic meters. The cost will then gradually decline until the end of 2025, as exports decrease.
