From the vaccine requirement for over 50s to the basic green pass to go to the hairdresser or go shopping, the novelties of the new decree

The vaccine obligation for the over 50s arrives. And the super green pass, that is the one obtained only with vaccination or after being cured of Covid, also takes a first step in the world of work: from 15 February workers over 50 to go to the company or to go to the office, they must have an enhanced green certificate. But there is also the news regarding personal services: from January 20, those who are not vaccinated will have to swab to go to the hairdresser or barber, or to a beauty center. As for public offices, banks, post offices, insurance agencies and shops and shopping centers, the basic green pass will be required from 1 February.

These are some of the measures envisaged by the new anti Covid decree, approved by the Council of Ministers on January 5. News also for the school, with stricter rules than the current ones for quarantines in childhood and primary school. The return to class on January 10 after the holidays is now upon us, and the government has run for cover.

Here, in a nutshell, are the main measures of the provision.

To know more

Vaccine obligation for over 50s, basic green pass for shops and offices

Covid and school, here’s how the rules in the classroom change in case of positive

Covid, quarantines and high-risk contacts: questions and answers


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