from the prime minister, from the State Duma, from the government of Moscow

On Russian Press Day, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin presented the government’s media awards for 2021.

A total of nine personal and 11 collective awards. The size of each is 1 million rubles. Both federal and regional projects were noted in a variety of areas – from social and political to cultural and patriotic.

Among the laureates, for example, are Kirill Vyshinsky, executive director of the Rossiya Segodnya news agency, and Rafael Huseynov, secretary of the Union of Journalists. The award was also received by the special correspondent of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Gulshat Baltaeva for contribution to the promotion of culture in the media.

Separately, Mikhail Mishustin thanked the journalists for objectively informing people about the pandemic. According to him, news about cases in Russia and in the world remains the most popular among our audience, since the whole world has been living in a pandemic for the third year.

“Many journalists and editorial offices have struggled with false information, … helping people figure out how to protect themselves and their loved ones from illness. And your responsible attitude has played a huge role in this, convinced tens of thousands of people to make the right choice and protect themselves and others,” he said.

And Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matviyenko met with parliamentary journalists. She noted their high role and difficult task in the current conditions. Matvienko compared the work of a journalist with the work of a miner and noted that thanks to the media, governors sometimes receive questions that are unpleasant for them.

The head of the Senate presented awards and letters of thanks to journalists, including Yury Bogdanov, who received gratitude for many years of conscientious work and a great contribution to covering the work of the upper house of parliament for the Senate program.

And the State Duma summed up the results of the annual creative competition among journalists for the best coverage of the work of the lower house of parliament. Our colleague Maria Slobodyanskaya became the laureate.

“The principle of openness is an important basis for building a dialogue with civil society,” said State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin.

Moscow journalists were awarded by Mayor Sergei Sobyanin. There were 20 winners. The award is annual and has been held since 2001. During this time, more than 300 media representatives have become laureates.

“This is a very serious award, which confirms your high professionalism, responsibility for the cause, for the fact that you are heartbroken for your profession and for your readers, who are waiting for your reports, your information. For them, you have become part of their lives,” – said Sergei Sobyanin.



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