From the Milleproroghe to the competition bill, the measures held back in parliament by the election of the Head of State

A package full of measures that could be slowed down in the conversion process due to the match that will open on January 24, when the president of the Chamber Roberto Fico summoned the parliament in joint session, with the participation of the regional delegates, to elect the thirteenth President of the Republic. The package includes the traditional year-end measure, the milleproroghe decree assigned to the Constitutional Affairs and Budget Committees of the Chamber, but also the delegation on tax reform (from 18 January the examination of the provision in the Montecitorio Finance Committee will come into focus) and the competition bill (after almost three months from the approval in the council of ministers the text has landed in Semato, the parliamentary examination will start only after the holidays).

On January 24 parliament in joint session for the election of the new president

Important measures that will have to take into account the absolute priority given to the election of the new Head of State. At present it does not seem obvious that the game can be concluded quickly. From the 24th onwards Montecitorio and Palazzo Madama will be absorbed by the toto-names.

Preferential lanes for Covid decrees

The only preferential lanes will probably be those for Covid decrees. The first is the decree on the Super Green Pass of 26 November, hinged on the Commission in the Senate: it could become the container where, according to a hypothesis not excluded by the government, the second dl, that of 23 December for the extension of the state of emergency. To speed up the times, the third decree on the revision of quarantines and the further extension of the Super Pass could perhaps have the same fate. And if the next CDM were to approve a new decree, with the obligation of a super green pass for 23 million public and private workers, even that provision would risk ending up in the funnel of the parliamentary conversion process.


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