From Russian spies in Belgium to conspiracy theories: the baron who shot his stepmother Mimi was also very active on YouTube | Interior

Nicolas Ullens de Schooten (57), the nobleman who shot his stepmother, Baroness Myriam ‘Mimi’ Lechien, this week, was very active on YouTube. The former State Security agent had his own channel on which he zoomed in on, among other things, the “infiltration of Russian spies in the highest echelons of the Belgian state” and propagated various conspiracy theories.

Drama Wednesday morning in Ohain, a sub-municipality of Lasne in Walloon Brabant: the police found the lifeless body of Baroness Myriam Lechien (70) in a Golf on the driver’s side. The victim suffered multiple gunshot wounds. Her husband, the very wealthy baron Guy Ullens van Schooten (88), was sitting in the passenger seat, in shock and with a leg injury. He was taken to hospital.

On Thursday morning, Nicolas Ullens de Schooten, the 57-year-old son of the baron and stepson of the victim, reported to the police. “He offered no resistance and explained that he had killed his stepmother. He was carrying a firearm, which was seized,” the prosecutor’s office said. The stepson was arrested on charges of murder and violations of the gun law.

State security

The fifty-year-old himself explained his act in the context of “a family conflict of a financial nature”. According to sources, he has been in conflict with his stepmother for years, including inheritance issues.

And he wasn’t just frustrated about that. In recent years, the man may have slipped more and more into anger and conspiracy theories. Ex-colleagues of the State Security, where he worked for eleven years but left with banging doors, have already described him as “an intelligent man” but also one “who often seemed to have very strong information, of which unfortunately little or nothing remained after investigation. ”. Ullens himself saw it differently. He felt thwarted and “silenced” by “higher forces”.

Youtube Channel

In 2020, a year after his resignation from the State Security, the nobleman started his own YouTube channel, in which he presented himself as a whistleblower. “Nicolas Ullens, former State Security agent, resigned in 2019 to expose the massive corruption of Belgian politicians, with Didier Reynders as the central figure,” he introduces himself on the channel.

Left: ‘Mimi’. Far right: suspect and stepson Nicolas. © Photo News / ID/ Kristof Vadino

A year later, the Brussels public prosecutor investigated a complaint from Ullens against MR leader Didier Reynders for corruption and money laundering, but dismissed the file because no indications of any crime were found. According to former State Security colleagues, Ullens was “obsessed” with the politician.

“Belgium is a corrupt bubble”

The last video on Ullens’ YouTube channel dates from last month. “Belgium is a kind of corrupt bubble,” says Ullens in that video. “We live in a pseudo-democracy,” he says. Again he refers to Reynders, who according to Ullens is not only corrupt but also “in cahoots with Libyan arms dealers who have plunged the people of Libya into a bloody civil war”. That happened “all with the help of (European Commission President, ed.) Ursula Von der Leyen”.

“Belgian friends of the KGB”

Another video from ten months ago, entitled ‘Les Amis Belges du KGB’ or ‘the Belgian friends of the KGB’ zooms in on Russian spies in our country. According to Ullens, the Russian secret services “succeeded in infiltrating the highest echelons of the Belgian state”.

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Nicolas Ullens will appear before the council chamber on Monday, which will decide on his further detention.

LOOK ALSO. Myriam Ullens was a family friend of the royal couple
