From relief to anger about the choice of an erotic center in Amsterdam South

Now that it is finally known where the erotic center will be located in the capital, the first reactions are pouring in. The VVD and CDA are angry about Mayor Femke Halsema’s choice for a location on Europaboulevard, coalition parties GroenLinks and PvdA support the plan. In the North district they are relieved, but there is also solidarity with the residents of South.

It wasn’t a surprise at all. There were already rumors in and around the Stopera that the choice would be Amsterdam South. The mayor has made a few practical considerations: the location is more accessible and she follows the council’s ambitions to ‘invest unequally for equal opportunities’ and pay attention to vulnerable neighborhoods in Amsterdam.

‘Not in a residential area, where support is lacking’

The VVD does not support the choice of the location on the Europaboulevard. “The VVD faction has always insisted on the strict conditions that the erotic center may only be realized in an area where there is sufficient support and its arrival does not infringe on the safety and quality of life of the area. That is why the VVD has argued for the construction of the erotic center in a new area to be built. This is clearly not the case at the location in Amsterdam South,” the group writes.

Although the party supports the idea of ​​an erotic center in the city and thus closing the windows on the Red Light District. “But not in an existing residential area, where support is completely lacking.”

‘What are the consequences?’

The CDA is also against the choice of the location in South: “It is incomprehensible that the Amstelpark playground can welcome a mega brothel as new neighbors,” says Jurriaan Limburg, district committee member for the CDA in South. “What are the consequences for the neighborhood and this beautiful park where many families come?”

Protest group North is relieved, but remains critical

Team EC Noord, a protest organization that fought against the arrival of the erotic center in the district, is relieved. “Fortunately, the arguments against establishing an erotic center in Amsterdam-Noord have been heard,” can be read in a statement. “It is good that the positive development that the NDSM area is currently experiencing, aimed at art, culture, housing and business, is not interrupted by the arrival of a mega brothel.”

However, according to Team EC Noord, the battle is not yet over: “We sympathize with all those residents, sex workers and entrepreneurs in Amsterdam-Noord who want the current functions of the Red Light District to be preserved. We express our solidarity with everyone who continues to work hard. to now prevent the arrival of an erotic center in Amsterdam South.”

GroenLinks is happy with clarity

“We are pleased that the mayor has provided clarity about the location,” said Imane Nadif of coalition party GroenLinks in a response. “The letter also provides detailed answers to questions such as the follow-up process and considerations. In addition, a number of strict measures have been added to combat crowds in the city center, we are very curious about the effect of this.”

PvdA supports Halsema, says it understands angry reactions

“Maybe not a Christmas present, but this does provide clarity,” says Lian Heinhuis of the PvdA. “Everyone was a bit uncertain for a long time. I am glad that there is now that clarity.”

Heinhuis supports Halsema’s choice. “Prior to the process, we stated several things: that safety, accessibility and carrying capacity in the neighborhood had to be taken into account. When I look at those factors, I see that reflected in the assessment that is now being made.”

But there is also understanding for the angry reactions that residents in the South have. “We have never seen an erotic center in our city, this is something new. I absolutely understand that people have concerns about this, especially when it comes to the nuisance it can cause. I think it is important that we take your concerns with you.”

Concerns about possible traffic congestion in the South district

Earlier this year, the South district gave negative advice about the location of the erotic center. However, district chairman Bart Vink (D66) is silent about the mayor’s proposal to choose the location on the Europaboulevard. Firstly, because he says he has not yet been able to read it, but also because, according to him, that is not his role: “We have given advice, I am curious how the council has responded to it.”

However, Vink still wants to explain why South gave negative advice earlier this year. “That has to do with accessibility. It is the armpit of the A10 exit, which is already an accessibility bottleneck. There are also cars. In fact, this location cannot accommodate that. There are already 70 days a year when there are no parking spaces. about all the RAI grants. You can’t have any search traffic in the neighborhoods. But perhaps the council has convincing answers to all that.”

Other concerns have to do with social safety in the neighborhood. “You could rather say that it is a bit outside the residential areas. It is a remote place. No one lives there. We are more concerned about social safety in that place.”

D66 less enthusiastic

In contrast to PvdA and GroenLinks, D66 is slightly less enthusiastic about Halsema’s choice. Yet councilor Elise Moeskops can understand it.

When asked whether she is happy with the decision, Moeskops says: “Happy is a big word, but can I come up with a better one? No. And I have always learned that if you cannot think of a better place, then you should keep your mouth shut.” to hold.”

“She has made a careful decision,” Moeskops says about the mayor. “A lot of work has gone into it and there are now proposals about what we will do with the Red Light District if this plan goes ahead. We can really support this location.”

Plans remain clear in 2024

A majority of the Amsterdam council supports the arrival of an erotic center, but there are still many questions about the location and what that means for the realization of the plans. Halsema’s plans will be discussed in the council at the beginning of 2024.
