From Loftus-Cheek and Pulisic to Reijnders and Kamada: a multi-role Milan

The Rossoneri coach particularly appreciates “Kronic” players, capable of covering multiple positions. Those who have already arrived, and those who are targeted, reflect this requirement

Mark Pasotto

Arriving at Krunic’s everything – midfielder, midfielder, winger, internal midfielder, full-back if necessary – is decidedly complicated, but at least you can try to stay in the groove. There are many coaches who love malleable and moldable players according to needs, and Pioli is among the first on the list. Certainly a notable value, in today’s football that he asks players for various tasks and sees increasingly “liquid” modules. At Milanello, the first arrivals from the market, and some of the goals, confirm a philosophy that has been clear for years. Last season, apart from Maignan, there wasn’t a department where someone didn’t change jobs. From Kalulu bivalent between the center and right of the defense, to Bennacer and Tonali with alternating tasks of support to the trocar, passing through Diaz to float between the center of the trocar and the right lane, up to Rebic and Origi – net of the bad performance – employees both wide to the left, both in the center of the attack.

box to box

As we said, among the parameters for choosing new arrivals there is also tactical flexibility. Going in order of arrival, Loftus-Cheek meets the requirement. The English midfielder can play from inside, in tandem with a partner in the two in front of the defence, but he is also capable of playing as a midfielder. Where, indeed, he could make even better use of his insertion skills and the propensity for that double phase, carried out in certain ways, which is required of modern midfielders. “I’m used to playing in many roles. I think the role where I can be most effective is playing box-to-box so I can get into the box and score, but also come back and defend with my physicality,” he said in recent days the former Chelsea. Goals that in reality, apart from four years ago, have never distinguished his vintages. But Pioli certainly finds himself in the squad a well-adaptable profile depending on what the matches require.

many solutions

The same goes for Pulisic. In theory, the strong point is the right side of the attack, but the US international cannot be set such limits. Being a quality player, Milan think they can also use him in the center of the trocar – with a drift to the right as happened for Diaz -, and also on the left, as deputy Leao. If necessary – but it would obviously not be his – his should not be excluded a priori a false nine use. Among those who could arrive – and we’re talking about a goal that Milan cares about a lot – there is Reijnders. The multirole of the median. Green tick on: inside, midfielder, in front of the defence. Valid, very valid, therefore both in the 4-2-3-1 and in a possible 4-3-3. Other? Kamada – a profile finished in the freezer but not eliminated from the Rossoneri notebook – can act both on the frontline (in the center or on the left) and in midfield. And Morata, another objective, could play deputy Leao on certain occasions, squeezing tires on the left as Juve did. Krunic, at Milanello, is available to tutor everyone.
