From July 1, the issue of the European Digital Corona Certificate (DCC) | News item

News item | 12-06-2023 | 5:08 PM

On July 1, 2023, the European Regulation that makes it possible to issue the European Digital Corona Certificate (DCC) will expire. For this reason, the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport has decided to end the issuance of international digital proof via the CoronaCheck app as of 1 July 2023.

With a DCC, travelers can show with a QR code that they have been vaccinated, recovered or tested negative. In this way, travelers can show that they meet the entry requirements of their destination. The DCC was developed in 2021 to enable free movement within the EU during the Corona pandemic. The World Health Organization (WHO) has now declared that the international emergency surrounding COVID-19 has ended. In this phase, the use of the Digital Corona Certificate (DCC) hardly contributes to the protection of public health. Few countries are still asking for a corona certificate and this is expected to decrease further in the near future.

With the expiry of the European DCC regulation, Member States are no longer obliged to issue digital vaccination certificates and digital test and recovery certificates. From 1 July, member states can decide for themselves whether they will continue to issue corona certificates and in what form. This also means that in the Netherlands the basis and the obligation to continue to publish the international QR code in the CoronaCheck app will no longer apply.

Travel to countries that require a corona certificate

From July 1, 2023, DCCs will therefore no longer be issued via the CoronaCheck app. An archive version of the app will remain until the end of 2023. Proofs loaded before July 1 will remain in the app. It will then also be possible to save proofs from the app as a file. If there are no proofs in the app, the application will no longer be usable after July 1.

As an alternative to the CoronaCheck app, travelers can demonstrate their vaccination status with an overview of their vaccinations via or via the healthcare provider who administered the vaccinations. It will also remain possible to have vaccinations added to the yellow booklet. The few countries that still ask for a vaccination certificate often also accept forms other than the European DCC.

Countries where entry conditions are currently still imposed are, for example, the Philippines and Bolivia. Look for up-to-date information about your destination or on the website of the relevant embassy.

Until 30 June 2023, it will remain possible to download and print a QR code as a PDF via This proof can then be used for another 1 year. Previous test results are only visible via It remains possible to obtain a test certificate through a commercial test provider for an intended trip. For questions about corona evidence, see Corona Proof |
