From January 10, a negative COVID-19 test result is mandatory for travelers from China | News item

News item | 06-01-2023 | 19:09

Minister Kuipers (Health, Welfare and Sport) has decided on behalf of Minister Yeşilgöz-Zegerius (Justice and Security), Minister Adriaansens (Economic Affairs and Climate), Minister Van Gennip (Social Affairs and Employment) and Minister Harbers (Infrastructure and Water Management) on behalf of advice and measures in response to the epidemiological situation in China and the desire to take travel measures at a European level. The cabinet has decided that travelers flying from China must have a negative test result from 10 January. There will also be immediate advice to wear a medical mouth and nose mask on flights to and from China. And the cabinet is investigating the possibilities of checking wastewater from airplane toilets from China for virus mutations.

Minister Kuipers: “I think it is important that we take travel measures in the context of combating Covid-19 at a European level. For example, the measures are effective and there will be no diversity of measures in Europe. The Outbreak Management Team (OMT) and the Social Impact Team (MIT) have also advised me to follow this European line. It has therefore been decided to align as much as possible with the conclusions of the Council of the EU’s Crisis Response (IPCR).”


It had already been decided to intensify variant detection in sewage surveillance at Schiphol. Self-tests are handed out at Schiphol – with information about the importance of the insulation advice – and hygiene measures are taken.

It has now been decided to take additional measures. From January 10, it is mandatory to have a negative test result for travelers from China. This test result may have been issued on the basis of a NAAT test or an antigen test that is no more than 48 hours old at departure. Prior to the flight, travelers are informed by the airlines that there is a test obligation and what the consequences may be of the lack of a negative test certificate.

In addition, there is an immediate advice to wear a medical mouth and nose mask on flights to and from China. Airlines communicate this advice to their passengers. We are also investigating the possibilities of checking waste water from airplane toilets from China for virus mutations, in addition to the intensification of sewage water surveillance around Schiphol that has already been initiated.

These additional measures are in line with the European line discussed at the IPCR on 4 January.

Situation China in relation to the Netherlands

In China, COVID-19 leads to a lot of infections and a lot of illness, because little immunity has been built up there. Therefore, special attention to flights from China is relevant. This is to prevent infections on board, but it is also important to continue to monitor for new variants. There are currently no signals that there is a new variant in China. Omikron is also dominant in China, just like in the Netherlands. The consequences of an infection in the Netherlands are on average less serious, because immunity is much greater here, due to the high vaccination rate and the large number of people who have already been infected.
