From forced buyout to housing construction: vigorous debate on the province’s coalition agreement

The new provincial government can get to work with their agreement ‘Binding forward!’. In a debate about it, the opposition parties pressed the sensitive spots, but the coalition did not budge. The four nominated deputies have also been installed. Although in the case of Jelle Beemsterboer (BBB) ​​it was not without a struggle

Photo: NH News/Maarten Edelenbosch

“So much water has been added to the wine that there is no wine left,” said Ines Kostić of the Party for the Animals. Remine Alberts of the SP added: “It is the result of a game of quartets.” And Sijmen Mülder of D66 said about the coalition agreement: “It is the ugly product of people who could barely get out.”

A debate that had been announced in advance lasted a few hours. And the annual barbecue before the summer recess was also delayed. In those hours, the opposition focused on points that the coalition parties had to swallow in the negotiations.

Buying out farmers

JA21 wanted to know from BBB why expropriation of farms is still possible. Group chairman Ingrid de Sain responded that it is not allowed if it only concerns nitrogen emissions, but if there is more to it. Buying out would then be necessary in order to arrive at proper financial compensation. The CDA was also critical of the nitrogen approach.

GroenLinks was denounced by the Party of the Animals, among others, because deadlines for making nature more sustainable or improving it are being postponed. The VVD had to endure a lot when it comes to housing. According to D66, it is wrongly pretended that much more will become possible, and it is mainly a continuation of current policy. “After years of restrictive policy, we can finally offer space again,” VVD party chairman Klaas-Jeroen Terwal responded sharply to former coalition partner D66.

What does the coalition agreement mean for North Holland?

Do you want to know which concrete points can be found in the coalition agreement on important topics? We have listed them for you and can be read here.

Only the PvdA had a relatively quiet afternoon. The coalition parties themselves mainly saw positive points. For example, when it comes to housing construction. This is the most important theme for the people of North Holland, according to research by Kieskompas and NH.

Accelerate housing construction

Under certain conditions, it will also be possible to build on the edges of towns and villages. Something that was undiscussable in the province for years. Additional support for municipalities and subsidies should also address the housing shortage. This should lead to 184,000 new homes by 2030. “And especially affordable homes. Because we have to build for everyone,” says Gert-Jan Leerink of the PvdA.

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The new deputies were also installed. The number goes from six to four. Esther Rommel (VVD), Rosan Kocken (GroenLinks) and Jeroen Olthof (PvdA) were also deputies in the previous period. Newcomer is Jelle Beemsterboer. made his nomination raise a lot of dustbecause until recently he was still a prominent CDA member. Beemsterboer himself gave himself the reason no longer feel at home among the Christian Democrats and more in the program of the BBB.

Appointment Beemsterboer not without a struggle

There was also a lot to do about his appointment. Sijmen Mülder started about the many media statements of the then alderman of Schagen. He called the province, among other things, too meddlesome when it came to housing. As an alderman, he would also have ignored provincial rules. “But we give him the benefit of the doubt,” said the D66 party chairman.

Ines Kostić of the Party for Animals opened up about the appearance of a conflict of interest. Jelle Beemsterboer’s father is a member of the Water Board Board of Hollands Noorderkwartier for the BBB. “That’s why he doesn’t have the water portfolio either,” said BBB party chairman Ingrid de Sain.

Where the others were elected with one or two votes against, ten members of parliament eventually voted against the appointment of Jelle Beemsterboer. It is not known which ones they were. The vote is secret. But because there were also 41 votes in favour, he was still appointed.

Farewell former deputies

Three other deputies said goodbye today. Edward Stigter (GroenLinks), Ilse Zaal (D66) and Cees Loggen (VVD). The latter was active for the province for 16 years, eight of which as a deputy.

What their future looks like is still unclear. “In any case, I want to continue to work for a green economy and a suitable labor market. As an administrator, teacher and/or lawyer. And of course I will remain politically active for D66. But first a holiday,” says Ilse Zaal.

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