From COA hosts to athletes: these volunteers have a chance to win the compliment from Drenthe

Five entries from 74 volunteer organizations have been nominated for the compliment of Drenthe 2023. Every year, the province of Drenthe makes a selection of volunteer organizations that are eligible for the prize. This year they were selected on the theme of equal opportunities.

From today until October 29, the public can vote for organizations. For example, Arriva’s COA hosts have a chance to win The compliment from Drenthe. These hosts have a refugee background and live in the COA shelter in Assen. At Emmen and Zwolle stations they guide refugees through their journey. For example, they help translate information, show them the way and help them with tickets.

A completely different volunteer organization that has been nominated is the Sport and Game Foundation Phihezo. That is a partnership of various parent associations that represent the interests of children with an intellectual or visual disability. The foundation also organizes sports and games activities for this target group. The other nominees are giveaway shop Heppie Smilde, living room organization Bij de Buren in Veenhuizen and Petje Af Zuidoost-Drenthe, an organization that gives children support for their future careers.

Anyone who receives the compliment from Drenthe will receive 3,000 euros for his or her foundation, says Evelien Mulder of Knowledge Center Stam. “The compliment from Drenthe is actually an initiative of the province to put all volunteers in Drenthe in the spotlight. In Drenthe, many volunteers are committed to keeping Drenthe liveable.”

Organizations were able to register themselves last month. The above organizations were selected from these, Mulder explains. “They are very different organizations, but they do have something in common. The theme this year was equal opportunities. They are an inspiring example for others, but also have a link with that theme. The jury paid attention to that.”

You can vote from today until October 29. The public votes count as ‘support for the organizations’, says Mulder. But ultimately it is the jury who selects the winner. “The compliment will be presented on December 7, Volunteer Day. This will be done at the provincial government building by deputy Yvonne Turenhout.”
