Frits Wester attacks Marcel Levi really hard

Frits Wester really, very angrily reprimanded Marcel Levi in ​​Renze Klamer’s talk show. With swollen veins and bulging eyes, he snorted: “This is so derogatory!”


Yesterday was another historic day for the PVV, because for the first time that party can provide the chairman of the House of Representatives. It became Martin Bosma; he won against a GroenLinks-PvdA candidate. On the left side of the political spectrum, people are not exactly happy with the appointment of Geert Wilders’ second.

Get rid of Marcel

When this news was mentioned last night in Renze Klamer’s RTL 4 talk show, the program went completely off the rails. After an item about Bosma, the host notes: “Marcel Levi, you really enjoyed this report.”

Marcel confirms that. “Yes, right? Yeah, well, there might be more important things you could talk about, but this is part of it.”

That one sentence makes the blood of RTL’s political reporter Frits Wester boil. He goes all out on Marcel.


Frits finds it disgusting. “Well, I find that so derogatory. There may be more important things, but this is the chairman of the highest body in the Netherlands, right? It is the chairman of the House of Representatives.”

He continues: “I really think it’s such a shame to dismiss that (put on a stupid voice, ed.): ‘There are more important things in the Netherlands.’ No, this is damn important, Marcel.”

Marcel: “Yes, this is also important, but there are also other things…”

‘Very sorry’

Frits does not let him finish and says: “Of course other things are also important, but this is also important and then you get that disdain… What are you saying to society? This isn’t that important? Yes, wars are important. Things in healthcare may be more important, but this is important too.”

He continues: “And if you dismiss that, as an important opinion maker like you, someone who is really important in society: ‘Oh, there are more important things in society’, then you say something about politics to society. I think that’s a shame.”

‘Not meant that way’

Marcel is completely shocked by it. “Well, it wasn’t meant to be derogatory.”

Frits: “Well, that’s what it sounded like.”

Marcel: “Yes, well. It’s not meant that way. It is not meant to be elitist, it is not meant to be derogatory. What I meant to say is: should we pay so much attention to this, should we devote so much airtime to this, should we now turn this into a competition with previews and afterthoughts? That’s going a bit far for me.”

Painful lesson

The well-known media expert Victor Vlam believes that Marcel should have been more aggressive. “Painful lesson for Marcel Levi: you have to defend yourself if you are caught for your own words. Frits Wester really attacks him mercilessly. (You rarely see this!) And Marcel sits there and watches it,” he writes on X.
