Frits Barend attacks BBB lady on television: ‘I’m disappointed!’

Frits Barend opened the attack on Femke Wiersma, the number two of the BoerBurgerBeweging, yesterday in the talk show HLF8. “Now you are already a politician. I don’t like that about you.”

© HLF8

Femke Wiersma, after Caroline van der Plas the most important woman in the BoerBurgerBeweging, sat at the table at HLF8 yesterday to celebrate the huge victory of their political party. At a certain point, presenter Sam Hagens also asks her about current events: “Femke, Poland is now sending fighter jets to Ukraine. How does BBB actually do that?”

Fighter jets

Femke does not immediately have an answer to that. “Well, you’re asking me too much.”

Sam: “I’m bombarding you with this.”

Femke: “Yes, now you are asking me a bit too much. I didn’t prepare for this. I do not know.”

Then fellow guest Frits Barend breaks in. “But you have an opinion on that, don’t you?”

Femke: “Yes, of course I have an opinion.”

Ronald Molendijk: “Do we send fighter jets: yes or no?”

Frits: “Yes, come on now. Yes or no?”

Don’t step in

Former CDA politician Mona Keijzer encourages Femke not to be provoked. “Just don’t fall for it here. Your first answer was great.”

Femke: “No, I’m not going to answer this.”

Frits pissed: “Yes, then you are already a politician. I don’t like that about you.”

Mona supports Femke: “If you don’t know, just say so!”

Frits: “You are Frisian, wonderful and I would like an opinion on that, because you may have to co-govern later and this is very important for Ukraine.”

Read up on

Femke: “Yes, certainly, but I do hope that we will also govern, but that you do so on the basis of reading in, and I simply did not do that here.”

Frits: “But you don’t follow this either?”

Femke: “I hope that the people who govern our country will simply immerse themselves in the subjects they are about. If you look at the current cabinet, you wonder whether this is the case. I do like the preparation.”

Frits: “This is something that has been on our minds for a year now.”

Farmers only

Frits thinks that Femke is already a typical politician. “You are a perfect politician.”

Mona: “If you don’t know something, don’t you just say so?”

Frits thinks that’s nonsense. “But wait! You live in the Netherlands, we have a war with Ukraine, in which NATO and the Netherlands are involved. Then I can expect a politician to also deal with that and not just with the farmers.”


The excerpt from HLF8:
