Friendship with Krisse Salminen has raised Kiti Kokko

Kiti Kokkonen and Krisse Salminen are passionate about making comedy. The two have become friends over the years.

A startling sight unfolds behind the Peacock stage. A wooden map of Finland looms in the corner. Artificial fingers and empty cocktail glasses lie on the small table. The eye is fixed on a rococo-style wig on the shelf, which could fit into a French art film.

From the break room downstairs, you can hear a rumbling voice. Krisse Salminen, known as a stand-up comedian and actor, is a make-up artist Raili Hulkkonen making up. Actress Kiti Kokkonen is sitting at the kitchen table.

In the evening, the Suomen Komediateatteri Huvituttaako Revy show is starting. The performance includes skits and song and dance performances.

Kiti Kokkonen and Krisse Salminen star in the new revue of the Finnish Comedy Theatre. Jenni Gästgivar

– This is really topical, which is characteristic of a revue. It’s a kind of circus entertainment for the people, Krisse Salminen describes.

– Comedy is the smartest way to influence society. You can take a stand in a way that people don’t understand. When it comes through positive humor, I think it will go into the subconscious better, says Kiti Kokkonen.

Krisse still remembers her first meeting with Kit.

– About 20 years ago, I went to the Ylioppilasteatteri party with my friend and had done a couple of stand-up gigs. At some point I performed for the whole group. Kiti liked my story and we said hand day. These days, I didn’t go there but perform in the middle of parties, but I guess I was excited about a new thing in my life.

Before the Actors got to know each other properly, their mutual friends had told Krisselle about Kit.

– I was on the set of the Siskonpeti series and the others there always laughed at Kit’s social media updates. That made me think that it would be nice to get to know such a funny person.

Krisse Salminen celebrates his 20th anniversary as an artist this year. Jenni Gästgivar

This is already the third time that Kiti and Krisse appear in the same revue. The first collaboration took place four years ago in the Maailmanloppu revue. In the colorful work community, personalities have also come to the fore.

– I’m a little prone to melancholy. Petitioner is a good word for me. If you communicate with Krisse, Krisse knows how to turn everything into a positive, Kiti reveals.

– In Kit’s melancholy, there is still a positive vibe and a twinkle in the corner of his eye, says Krisse.

What happens when artistic differences arise?

– It belongs to that (process). I think it’s wonderful that people speak their opinion directly and strongly. Otherwise, nothing would improve or develop, Kiti answers.

Kiti Kokkonen has continued in the footsteps of his father, Ere Kokkonen, as the artistic director of Suomen Komediateatteri. Jenni Gästgivar

Kiti admits that she is a hermit character who enjoys herself at home. He says that he learned a lot from Krisse.

– I’m a little jealous of my own text when I’m writing a script. It’s black and unbearable if someone starts to change it. I’ve learned from Krisse and Niina Lahtinen that you shouldn’t stick too tightly to your own vision, but that cooperation is the right form.

The fire of feeling

Both Actors are very passionate about making comedy. However, being funny also requires a lot of resources.

– If my energy is low, I’m at home in my own “bubble” and I try to save it for the show, says Kiti.

Over the years, Kiti has noticed that learning choreography or words requires more time.

– I did learn the words to the song, but when the dance steps are combined with it, I’m completely stuck. At one point it was frustrating, but now I gently think that’s how it (life) is, he reflects.

– Kiti is good at sometimes forgetting what to say in a scene and bursts out laughing. I would like to be in every scene with Kit, Krisse continues.

The friends manage to laugh even behind the scenes of the theater. Jenni Gästgivar

– Kiti is such a goofball. His antics sometimes remind me of my own daughter. Kitty might disappear suddenly because she wanted to go somewhere, or she comes late to an appointment with her hair in a bun and yesterday’s make-up in her eyes. Kiti is so funny and cheerful because it always hurts and happens to her, Krisse describes her friend.

Anyone who has followed Kit’s social media knows she’s handy. The actress can do both weaving and ceramic work just like that.

– The garden and handicrafts are my passion. I think it’s from my paternal grandmother, Elna– from my grandmother, who was hard to do with her hands. My maternal grandmother was also keen on crocheting. There have always been really visual people in our family.

The revue is full of sketches and dance performances. Characters and role clothes change at a fast pace. Jenni Gästgivar

Sometimes Kiti gets requests from people, asking if they could buy the actress’s creations for themselves. However, he has not made business his hobby.

– I want that handcrafting to be free and creative. I have done a few commissions. I did a big mosaic job for Paula Vesala in her home, but she gave me a pretty free hand in that too.

Krisse also enjoys knitting, and she is also actively involved in dancing.

– I go to Latino and street dance classes a couple of times a week. It’s also a bit of training for this job.

Both actors have had long careers. During the interview, both stars reflected on how quickly time has passed. Kitti is already over ten years old as the artistic director of Suomen Komediateatteri. Krisse, in turn, has been making Finns laugh for 20 years. The kilometers have brought experience.

– Life is really precious and beautiful, but the world is a pretty wild place. You have to accept your own limitations and those of others. I wouldn’t be able to get through this myself without humor, says Kiti.

For Kit and Krisse, humor is the best fuel in everyday life. Jenni Gästgivar

The photos were taken at the Peacock Theater in Helsinki. Kiti Kokkonen and Krisse Salminen’s makeup: Raili Hulkkonen.
