Friends surround suspect of stabbing in the center of Oostrozebeke: “Proud that we could help with the arrest” | Oostrozebeke

OostrozebekeA group of friends and regulars of café ‘t Pleintje surrounded the suspect of a stabbing in an apartment in the center of Oostrozebeke on Sunday evening. The police were then able to arrest him.

At around 5:45 PM, an MUG team, ambulance and police stopped at an apartment on the Gemeenteplein. “A friend who lived in that apartment on the first floor had a knife in his shoulder”, say the friends, who saw everything happening from the terrace of café ‘t Pleintje. “He came out with his hand on his shoulder, his shirt was all bloodied.” The victim was given first aid and was then taken to hospital.

(Read more below the photo)

The suspect of the stabbing could be cornered on the Gemeenteplein in Oostrozebeke. © LSI

The police made the determinations, but there was no trace of the perpetrator. “But once the officers had left, the suspect quietly walked past,” the friends continue. “The cafe owner recognized him and we immediately followed him. We were able to corner and surround him. At first he prepared to flee, but when he saw that there were six or seven of us, he gave in. He admitted that he had stabbed him and we held him down until the police arrived.”

“We are proud that we were able to assist in an arrest and also do our friend a favor. We have done our civic duty, although we never thought something like this would happen to us.”

The suspect was taken in for questioning. The victim was not in life-threatening condition. The reason for the stabbing is unclear.

The apartment in the center of Oostrozebeke where the stabbing took place.

The apartment in the center of Oostrozebeke where the stabbing took place. © LSI
