‘Friends’ submit a wish list to the municipality of Assen. ‘Signs with clear rules in Asserbos, such as keeping dogs on a leash’

The association ‘Friends of the Asserbos’ wants the municipality to provide ‘unambiguous signs’, which leave no misunderstandings about the rules of the game in the forest.

For example, the board of the association points in a letter to the Municipal Executive to the leash obligation for dogs. According to the board, it is currently not clear to visitors where this does and does not apply. “We ask the municipality to ensure that sufficient information boards are placed in the most important places to counter the current unclear situation.”

Green light

The lighting on the Bosrand – between the Hoofdlaan and the Sustainability Center – also requires attention from the board. The board would like to see the current orange light switched to green light, as has already been done in various other places in the forest.

In addition, the board has noticed that large parts of various paths in the forest are impassable when it rains. We understand that not every path in the forest can always be dry, but given the great importance of recreation in the Asserbos, we do insist on a proactive approach to the accessibility of the larger paths, for example by raising the ground and targeted water management. .”


Finally, the amount of litter in the forest is a thorn in the side of the Friends. The association would like to see a number of ‘eye catchers’ (waste bins) placed along the Hoofdlaan. “And there is concern about the enforcement of the maximum speed on Hoofdlaan and Beilerstraat. We would like to know what measures can be taken for this.”
