Friend Peter R. de Vries responds to rumors: ‘It’s gossip!’

Tahmina Akefi, the girlfriend of the late Peter R. de Vries, is annoyed by the rumors that his family is not so happy with all her confessions. “They’re all just gossipers.”


Peter R. de Vries was always very fond of his privacy, but after his death his girlfriend Tahmina Akefi brought out all kinds of very intimate moments from their private life. Son Royce, ex-wife Jacqueline and brother Wouter made it clear that they were not happy with that. “I’ll leave that in the middle,” said Wouter diplomatically.

Tahmina responds

What does Tahmina think of the criticism that she shared too much about Peter as a private person in her documentary on NPO 1? “A lot of details of Peter’s private life have always come out, he has also shared a lot himself. About his childhood, for example, about the open relationship with his ex-wife”, she defends herself in the AD

Peter didn’t mind at all, according to Tahmina. “Peter really wanted to share our relationship with the world. He even planned to write a book about it with me. To immortalize it that way.”


Tahmina herself also notices that the relatives of Peter were not at all happy with her confessions? “Have they officially responded? The gossips tried to provoke a fight between us, but it failed miserably,” she says.

She concludes: “The relationship is as it should be, but the connecting factor – Peter – is gone. When we see each other it is always respectful.”

Dirt from Yvonne

Yvonne Coldeweijer recently revealed that there are dirt about Tahmina is on the shelf, but that she is still waiting for the right moment to come out with it.

“I’m definitely open to getting it out there someday. It’s a ridiculous story.”
