Friend of killed Maryam: “We were married.”

“My heart, my soul is dead,” says Farrokh K. (31). Maryam (34) was his great love. “When she was dead, I took her children out of the home to be with my family.”

For two weeks, the boy (14) and the girl (10) have been in the care of their biological father – from whom Maryam had divorced against her family’s wishes because of domestic violence.

6th day of the trial against the Afghan killer brothers Yousuf Sayed (26) and Mahdi Seyed H. (23). On July 13, 2021, her sister Maryam (34) disappeared in Berlin.

Videos show how the two of them drag a suitcase through the Südkreuz (Schoeneberg) train station that day. In it, presumably, the corpse. She was later found buried in Bavaria. That’s where the older brother lives.

“Maryam was my wife,” says Farrokh K. Even if it was only an Islamic temporary marriage: she divorced, he not completely, religious questions unresolved.

The brothers knew nothing about it. “Mahdi is not so bright, the head is Yousuf. He figured he could get away with murder because nobody was going to look for Maryam.”

The motive for the murder: “Divorce. family honor. Her ex spoke badly of her. She didn’t act against traditional moral concepts at all, the brothers just thought so,” says Farrokh K.

“They thought their sister was bad and depraved. But Maryam was religious, wore a headscarf, we were married.”

He emphasizes: “Islamic values ​​were important to her. The brothers thought wrong of her, they didn’t know what she really is like.”

also read

► Shock statement from Maryam’s friend: “It can happen to any woman, including me”

► Police officer in the Maryam trial: “I immediately had a strange gut feeling”

The cruel act: “They had no scruples about murdering their own sister who loved them,” says Farrokh K. “They now see me as responsible for the fact that they are in prison. I think they hate me like the plague. They have nothing to lose.”

And then he says: “Of course I feel threatened. In 15 years they’ll be out again!” Continued: Monday. Verdict: August 12.
