Friedrichstraße gets water features and trees

No more curbs. Water features in the middle. Small trees with no deep roots because of the subway below. Berlin’s Senator for the Environment, Bettina Jarasch (53, Greens) dreams of such a piazza on Friedrichstrasse.

From Hildburg Buns

One thing is clear: the section between Leipziger Strasse and Französische Strasse will be taboo not only for cars, but also for bicycles in the future. In order for the runway, which is currently taped off in yellow, to be removed again, the parallel Charlottenstraße would first have to be set up as a bicycle street – it will have 30 km/h signs, cars are only allowed to cross, the night bus will be moved to Glinkastraße.

A desolate provisional with a yellow marked bike path. The cyclists are now also banned (Photo: Christian Lohse)

“There will be a design competition with the participation of the residents,” promises Jarasch. The basis of their decision for a pedestrian zone is a traffic test.

► Due to the closure, motor vehicle traffic has decreased overall, but has doubled, for example, in the parallel Charlottenstrasse.

► The number of parking spaces fell by 4 percent – ​​but parking garages are only occupied by 26 to 64 percent.

Bettina Jarasch (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Berlin Senator for Transport and the Environment (Photo: Carsten Koall/dpa)
Bettina Jarasch (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Berlin Senator for Transport and the Environment (Photo: Carsten Koall/dpa)

► The air pollution in Friedrichstrasse fell, in neighboring streets it rose – but below the limit values.

► When it came to noise, it became quieter for 566 residents and louder for 535.

also read

►First cars, now bicycles banned – Friedrichstrasse becomes a pedestrian zone!

►Berlin Senate wants to save flop Friedrichstrasse

The businessmen criticize the current situation. A survey of passers-by, on the other hand, showed 82 percent approval of traffic calming.
