Friday code yellow in Limburg for storm Eunice | 1Limburg

Storm Dudley has barely blown over when another storm is approaching. The KNMI expects heavy wind gusts on Friday. Then code yellow applies.

Code orange applies for the rest of the country, one step higher.

In Limburg, code yellow applies for the time being from 2:00 p.m. Friday to 8:00 p.m.

heavy wind gusts
In almost the entire country, (very) heavy wind gusts of 100 to 120 kilometers per hour are expected. The wind can cause “considerable damage and very dangerous situations as a result of falling trees and flying objects”, according to the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute.

Winds will decrease from the southwest towards the end of Friday evening and into the night following.

Storm Dudley
On Thursday afternoon, code yellow still applies in the northern parts of the Netherlands due to storm Dudley. It generates wind gusts of 75 to 80 kilometers per hour. The wind will decrease later in the afternoon and evening. Storm Eunice is expected to be more severe. Code orange is issued if there is a high risk of dangerous or extreme weather with a major impact and a risk of damage, injury or a lot of nuisance.

The KNMI will issue such a warning 24 hours before the start of the storm at the earliest. Because Eunice is expected to arrive on Friday afternoon, the warning will be given on Thursday afternoon. The KNMI will decide on this after discussions have been held with representatives of, among others, the port of Rotterdam, rail manager ProRail, Schiphol and Rijkswaterstaat.

Code red
It is not entirely excluded that the storm will even lead to code red. This happens when there is extreme weather that has a major impact on society and where there are major safety risks.
