Frida Karlsson’s relationship information is surprising on the FIS website

Karlsson is together with William Poromaa.

Frida Karlsson left the national team for the summer and is training in Östersund. Pasi Liesimaa

Frida Karlsson and William Poromaa have been together for a long time. The star couple of Swedish cross-country skiing has been in public a lot.

However, they do not live together. Last spring, they left their home in Sollefteån and moved to different places. Karlsson is training in Östersund, while Poromaa is preparing for the new season in Sundsvall.

Expressen interviewed Karlsson, who opened up about their situation.

– For some, it could be a difficult equation, but skiing is the most important thing to both of us.

Karlsson left the Swedish national team’s training group and has been training on his own before the start of the season.

– That’s why we’ve seen less than usual. You can count on the fingers of one hand the times we have been together during this time, Poromaa said.

Expressen noticed a surprising detail on the website of the international skiing federation FIS. Karlsson’s athlete profile does not show an entry, while Poromaa’s profile says that the man is in a relationship.

Karlsson was startled when he heard the news about his “singleness”.

– What? Where does it say that?

– I haven’t seen that, quite a funny thing.

– So you are divorced, but William doesn’t know about it yet? the reporter asked jokingly.

– Exactly! I went to edit my information first on the FIS website, Karlsson joked back.

Play six, Karlsson and Poromaa are still together.

– We may have to change that, so that we don’t start getting date requests, Karlsson continued.

William Poromaa trains in Sundsvall. PASI LEISMA
