Freedom of expression at the Olympics – Thomas Bach draws an unusual comparison – Olympia

Bach said of the IOC’s rules prohibiting athletes from expressing political opinions during competitions and awards ceremonies: “When an actor plays Hamlet in a theatre, nobody asks whether he can express political opinions during the play.”

criticism of the IOC

The athletes’ alliance Global Athlete had previously sharply criticized the IOC and expressed understanding for the silence of active people. China has proven “that it does not protect freedom of expression,” said Global Athlete Director General Rob Koehler of the FAZ. “Why would an athlete speak out when they have little to no protection? Would you recommend your child to fight for freedom of expression in China? I don’t think so.”

DOSB President Thomas Weikert, on the other hand, said that as an Olympic participant he would be critical of human rights violations in the host country China. “If I were an athlete in Beijing, I wouldn’t be afraid to speak my mind in an interview”said Weikert at Spox: “I fly to China with respect for the situation, I would say that. But as an athlete at the Olympic Games, I would always concentrate on the sport first – that also applies if the Games were in France.”


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