Free vaccination in Russia will not be canceled

In Russia coronavirus vaccination will remain free. So says the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov, who reacted to the post of the Duma deputy from “United Russia” Maxim Ivanov. The deputy wrote on his Facebook that the Russian government wants to make vaccination against COVID-19 paid.

Meanwhile, at the Gaidar Forum, Deputy Minister of Health of Russia Oleg Gridnev named the regions that are leaders in vaccination. This is primarily Chukotka, where almost 100% of the population is vaccinated, then with more than 90% comes the Belgorod region. In Tuva, 78% of the adult population has been vaccinated.

On the sidelines of the Gaidar Forum, Deputy Head of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia Dmitry Afanasyev also noted that the introduction of covid vaccination certificates for attending universities is not currently being discussed. Universities cannot make independent decisions on this issue, they do not have such powers.

Meanwhile, the State Duma postponed consideration of the bill on digital certificates. The government bill was adopted by the State Duma in the first reading by the votes of United Russia, New People and the Liberal Democratic Party. There were 329 votes in favor and 87 against, with one MP abstaining.

Consideration of the bill is postponed due to the spread of the omicron strain.

“To be infected and not get sick is ideal for an epidemiologist“, – said the developer of the vaccine “Sputnik V”, director of the Center named after N.F. Gamaleya Alexander Gintsburg.

He admitted that he was infected with the South African omicron, but did not get sick, thanks to the vaccine. The infection, according to Gunzburg, occurred abroad, where the vaccine developer went on vacation with his wife for 10 days. He added that the antibody titers of him and his wife to all strains of coronavirus remain high.

In South Africa, the province of Gauteng, which has become a hotbed of the spread of “omicron”, is emerging from the fourth wave of the coronavirus pandemic. The incidence is already on the decline.



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