Free pill for everyone up to 25 years, Aifa decides of charge as it already happens in France and in some, very few, Italian regions, at least for women up to 25 years of age.

This is it decision that the AIF could take todayto, the Medicines Agency which, in the meeting scheduled for today, could change the rules e no longer make people under 25 pay for oral contraceptives. The project has been in the works for some time, but maybe this could be it the right time.

Free pill up to 25 years? Could

The problem exists, it is useless to deny it, especially since, since 2016 some more advanced pills have been removed from reimbursementbecoming dependent on women only. Which, however, can come to spend significant amounts.

The more expensive ones, fourth generation, for example, depending on the type and packaging can cost between 14 and 20 euros per month. Expenditure which, combined with the general increase in prices, weighs heavily on a woman’s income statement.

The free pill is already provided in some Regions, but only in the clinics

Today the Aifa meeting

The Medicines Agency has long been thinking of introducing the novelty, but so far it had never come to a definitive conclusion. The news that they are meeting today Ctsthat is the technical-scientific commission that can give the green light to reimbursement, and the Cprthat is the price commission that makes agreements with companies on the cost of medicines, makes us think.

The cost of the operation is around 200 million. But, in reality, it will probably be lower: when a drug is paid for by the statethe Price Commission always negotiates with the companies producing the lowest prices.

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The jump forward of France

This choice was probably affected by the leap forward of France, which is already offering the pill free of charge to girls up to 25 years of age. The director Aifa Nicola Magriniin office for a little while longer, it could therefore move more quickly. It must be said that, even today there was the go-ahead, the gratuity would not be triggered immediately.

The Regions where it is already free, but only in the counseling centers

In based on AIFA data, the Italians who take the contraceptive pill every day are over 2.5 million, of which a part of these theoretically already do not pay. In the last few years, some regions already offer the pill for freebut only in the counseling centers and to certain categories.

First of all at young people up to 24 or 25 years old. Then, depending on the Region, others were added. In Tuscany, Emilia-Romagna, Puglia and Lombardyfor example, they have been added unemployed women and those who did termination of pregnancy (in this case the drug has passed for 24 months).

However, as mentioned, women must necessarily go to the clinic to obtain the drug. Which, with the green light of Aifa, will never happen again. Indeed, just go to the pharmacy with the doctor’s prescription. And this easier distribution will surely allow more women access to free contraception.

