FREE 2023 | Poland will be the Guest of Honor Country at the Madrid International Book Fair

05/24/2023 at 2:26 p.m.


The invited country will have a stand that will have an area of ​​120 square meters, where it will host the participation of 20 Polish publishers

Poland will be the Guest of Honor Country of the 41st edition of LIBERthe International Book Fair to be held in Madrid from the 4th to the 6th of October and that it will host 20 Polish publishers that will present the literary novelties of their country.

As reported by LIBER this Wednesday, the Book Institute, a public institution belonging to the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of Poland, in collaboration with the Polish Institute of Culture based in Madrid, has organized an “outstanding” presence at the fair with the aim of “promoting and disseminating the Polish edition in Spain”, as well as publicize prominent authors and publishers of the country.

Thus, this tribute to Poland, they added, is part of the “joint efforts” of the Fair and the Federation of Publishers Guilds of Spain (FGEE) to strengthen the internationalization of the book sector and establish closer cultural and commercial relations with markets with great potential for our country.

Specifically, Poland will have a stand that will have an area of ​​120 m2, which will welcome the participation of 20 Polish publishers, who will show the offer of the country’s editorial novelties. It will also be the space where you can contact and talk with the representatives of these publishers and with those of the Book Institute.

In addition, Poland is preparing a professional program of presentations and discussions for “share perspectives and experiences” with professionals from the Spanish and Latin American book sector.

Among other topics will be the development of children’s literature, bookstart programs; new phenomena in the book market. In addition, there will be a tour of the new Polish books.

In addition, the Polish proposal in LIBER will present the offer that the Book Institute has for foreign translators and publishers.

Organized by Ifema Madrid, and promoted by the Federation of Publishers Guilds of Spain, LIBER 2023 is a fair sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Sports, ICEX Spain Export and Investment, Community of Madrid, Madrid City Council and the Spanish Center for Rights Reprographic (CEDAR). It also has the collaboration of Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) and the Madrid Publishers Association.
