Fraud, the scourge with a thousand faces

Ebook: Fraud, the scourge with a thousand faces

White Papers > Computer science > Ebook: Fraud, the scourge with a thousand faces

Fraud, a phenomenon covering many types of malicious acts, sees its capacity for harm amplified by the digital transformation which irrigates our society as well as the global Covid-19 pandemic which comes to offer new opportunities to potential fraudsters.

By Deveryware
French language

Fraud has never been healthier. It continues to progress and costs millions of euros to the State, companies and individuals. Deveryware, the expert in investigative technologies and services for global security, devotes its white paper to this time bomb which affects a quarter of French companies and impacts both their growth and their reputation. Financial scams, money laundering, “president” fraud, cyber fraud, etc. The threats are multiple and the digital transformation of companies has only amplified the risks.

If the awareness within organizations is now real, the actions implemented sometimes remain limited. An effective fight against fraud involves assessment, detection, investigation and correction, but awareness remains the first protective measure.

What are the most promising technologies to combat fraud? Are they sufficient without a strengthened legal framework and political will? What are the hopes of data analysis and international cooperation?

The white paper and top experts answer these questions and uncover the solutions to win this fight against fraud.

On the program of this ebook on fraud

  • Editorial Jacques SALOGNON
  • Introduction
  • The limitless universe of fraud
  • The resilience of fraudsters
  • Fight against fraud: cascading responses
  • The future of fraud prevention
  • Manifesto: When abuse of rights favors fraud
  • About Deveryware
  • Sources / Bibliography

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