Frattesi-Roma, it is a question to the bitter end, Sassuolo does not give up: the turning point on Monday?

Indefinite negotiations for the midfielder: as a counterpart the Giallorossi club could also include the promising Volpato (but keeping a percentage on any resale)

There is still distance between Roma and Sassuolo for Davide Frattesi. Yesterday the midfielder was in the capital, he spent an evening with friends in Trastevere, today he will go out for the weekend and he plans to return on Monday because he hopes that the negotiation between the club that has his card and the one in which hopes to return.

This morning, in Rimini, a working lunch between Carnevali and Tiago Pinto, the two frontmen from Sassuolo and Rome, but the agreement was not found. As much as the player pushes to return to the Giallorossi – he has already made it known that he does not want to evaluate other offers, especially foreign ones – Rome has not reached the 25 million that the Emilian club is asking for, which, for its part, is convinced that it has already lowered the initial claims.

To the bitter end

The feeling is that it will go on indefinitely and that Rome, especially if some cash were to arrive from some sale, could also raise the economic offer. In the deal Pinto is ready to include some young people: the hot names are those of Missori and especially Volpato, an Italian-Australian managed, as a proxy, by Totti’s agency. Volpato likes Sassuolo, Roma are ready to sell him but he would like to keep, as in the case of Frattesi himself, an important percentage of the future resale. Money to be collected or to be discounted if the player then has the possibility, and the will, to return to the Giallorossi. What Frattesi wants to do. There is a hurry, but not too much: the goal is to make him available to Mourinho for his retirement in Portugal. There are 10 days left, there is time to find an agreement.
