Franz Kafka’s birth chart, Cancer with a tormented horoscope

QHow much loneliness is felt in Franz Kafka’s birth chart, Cancer ascendant Leo. Stellar struggle between confidentiality and the need for affirmation. The conjunction of Jupiter to the Sun seems to amplify a sense of inadequacy.

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The Bohemian writer was born into a German-speaking Jewish family and after the early death of his two younger brothers he will experience the condition of only son as a hindrance to his nature as a man of lettershaving to deal with the figure of an authoritarian father, so influential as to give him a distressing inability to accept himself.

The stellar “riot” of planets in Gemini is also evident in the horoscope, ready to reveal the existential need for writing to unravel the Kafkaesque oxymoron. Or that of living between great intellectual acumen and a self-perception as unpleasant as a cockroach which will translate into the character of Gregor Samsa from The metamorphosishis most famous story. Kafka was not like that at all.

Franz Kafka was born on July 3, 1883 (photo Getty Images).

Max Brod, a friend of the writer since his university days, claimed that behind the austere appearance «Franz was the funniest man he had ever met, obsessed with sexual desire and at the same time with contempt for his body». This is why writing becomes a form of prayer. To make the cockroach born of his father’s disapproval die inside him.

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