Franse President Macron announced the diepzeemijnbouw: “Investers in wetenschap om zeeën beter te beschermen” | milieu

The Franse President Emmanuel Macron pleads for a better squad that diepzeemijnbouw will happen. Hij roept landen op om hun te investeren in Wetenschap om de wereldoceanen beter te kunnen begrijpen and beschermen.

The international concern for diepzeemijnbouw neemt toe, maar milieugroepen and different overheden roepen op tot een verbod, of op zijn minst a strict regulation.

In the diepzeemijnbouw, although machines are built on the stenen in the large van aardappelen that cobalt, mangaan and other zeldzame metalen bevatten van de oceaanboden op te zuigen. The basic materials were meestally processed in batteries.


We would like to understand the zeeën better om ze te can beschermen.

Emmanuel Macron

“We would like to have a better team create om the diepzeemijnbouw te stop in geen new activiteiten toestaan ​​die deze ecosystemen in gevaar brengen”, says Macron op een evenement in de margin van de VN-Oceaanconferentie in Lisbon. “Maar tegelijkertijd we would like to know about our wetenschappers and ontdekkingsreizigers stimuleren om de zeeën beter te leren. We would like to say better than we can behermen”, voegde hij eraan toe.

A robot for diepzeemijnbouw wordt in the water gelaten in the Clarion Clipperton zone in the Still Ocean. © via REUTERS

Frankrijk has now entered into an exploratory contract for an area of ​​75,000 square kilometers in the Clarion-Clipperton zone in the North of the Stille Ocean, which is a polymetaal nodule. The contract is valid until June 2026.

The Internationale Zeebodemautoriteit (ISA), a body of the Verenigde Naties, works on the rules for the mijnbouw in international waters. As long as the rules are in place, there is no construction on the sea floor.


Have we ever emptied ours? We know we don’t know what we’re going to do next to Teweegbrengen in Honderden, a dozen meters down the road from the ocean floor.

Marco Lambertini, WWF

Voor- en tegenstanders

Various countries, such as Chili and the islands of Palau and Fiji in the Silent Ocean, propose that there be a moratorium on all diepzeemijnbouw. This means that there is a provision for the environment in which there is data available.

WWF director Marco Lambertini noemde diepzeemijnbouw eerder deze week “scary” because of failure because of strict rules. “Haven’t we never emptied?” “We know we won’t get what we’re going to say teweegbrengen door Honderden, dozens of meters diep naar de Boden van de oceaan te gaan.”

The WWF is overtuigd that it is devastating because it is considered to be a big light because of the onset of minerals on the seabed. Diepzeemijnbouw can generate potentially damaging sedimentary deposits in the area of ​​migration from vissen beïnvloeden, says Lambertini. Hij pleit ervoor the authorites themselves in the first instantie buigen over het “great potential for recycling” van e-afval voor the materials that need to be used for batteries.

WWF director Marco Lambertini

WWF director Marco Lambertini © REUTERS

No real difference is known in the diepzeemijnbouw. Unfortunately, China is not close to the wall of the diepzeemijnbouw on the tiny island of Nauru before the ISA is previous years of the goedkeuring van rules for the diepzeemijnbouw te versnellen.

Previous plans for the land from the G7 overeen that ze grandson toestemming zullen geven for dergelijke mijnbouwprojecten as het milieu he not seriously zal onder lijden. According to Peter Thomson, the special agent of the VN for the Ocean, when he inland traffic rules come from the deze bezorgdheid way they need.
