Franse politie hoopt verdwenen Lina (15) terug te vinden thankszij verkeerscamera’s | Buitenland

Bijna two maanden na de verdwijning van de Franse tiener Lina zou the onderzoek plots a new wending can be called: the politie krijgt namelijk toegang tot beelden van four snelwegcamera’s vlak at the village in the Vogezen was the 15-year-old girl. This reports ‘Sudinfo’ on Tuesday.

What is Lina?

The Franse girl Lina (15) died on September 23rd on the way was near the station of Saint-Blaise-la-Roche, in the Franse Vosges, above three kilometers from the hair house. Ze zou he de train nemen naar Straatsburg om hair vriendje Tao (19) te bezoeken, maar kwam daar nooit aan.

Tijdens het onderzoek raakt de politie ervan overtuigd dat his meisje waarschijnlijk met en auto zou zijn ontvoerd. A well-done gesture was made by Lina on the day of her hair, which was brought into a gray car and then her eyes were forced. Hij vertelde de onderzoekers that the young girls have a lot of fear and fear and that the world had greeted them.

What this means is true, is the experience of the other young people in a few days in the same region: this young person’s description is “Zich gevolgd voelde” door one man die in a green car reed en kwam hem later op de dag opnieuw tegen. The next step is to leave the car and have the most of it, so you can drive straight away.

Onderzoekers hope, with the quality of the camera’s het toelaat, a suspected car that can be identified and, India cheating, Lina Zelf


The biggest problem during the war was confronted, and was filmed on the local camera in the area around the plazas and in the tip of Lina’s video. The parking lot of Straatsburg has the opportunity to be slotted and the legs are on the pictures of four vehicles, the noodzakelijkerwijs de doorgang van a car vastleggen in the dormitory was Lina uit verdween.

Onderzoekers hopen, with the quality of the camera’s het toelaat, a suspected car te can identify the past in the gezochte profile and, india mogelijk, Lina zelf. The reminder: the park in Straatsburg began in October and the second time was opened and the warning sounded like it was “long” in the long term. The other song loops “tegen
