Franse airco’s duwen stroomprijs omhoog, also in België | economy

The prices for electricity at the wholesale market state at the highest point are lower maanden. Op de day-ahead market – the price of the word betaald om the following day te delivery – means the price for delivery on Thursday between 19:00 and 20:00 at 265 euros per megawatt hour.

The talk is te zoeken in Frankrijk, puts Matthias Detremmerie uit, trader by energieleverancier Elindus. Door een hittegolf been massaal airco’s aangestoken, bovenop de gewone piek’s avonds. The kerncentrales draaien he bovendien not op full doors. The door that is warmed up is the temperature of the water in the hook, and needs to be the central part of the product at the right place. There is little wind at the moment in Western Europe. It is known that the sea used must have been designed by gas centrals. That gas is due to a trio of stakings in Australië de voorbije.

That’s what we’re going to do in our country. The market in France and Belgium is going to be connected. He is then also responsible for the electricity in the direction of Frankrijk, which is directly related to the price.

Because of the relatively high prices quoted, we have not given the prices for a year, toen the electricity and the price of the records that have been served.

KIJK. Frankrijk must be loved aan hitte
