Frans Timmermans under fire in VI: ’60 percent tax? What?!’

Frans Timmermans has been attacked in Today Inside because he wants to punish the most successful Dutch people with a tax rate of 60 percent, and therefore also the men of VI. “What?!”

© SBS 6

It is to be hoped that Frans Timmermans does not become too big for the most successful Dutch people, because his party PvdA-GroenLinks wants a tax rate of 60 (!) percent to introduce. And the assets they already have? He wants to skim 5 percent of that per year, in addition to all other taxes. In other words: they become poor while they sleep.

Johan critical

Johan Derksen spoke to Frans about it last night Today Inside. “Look, the boys who are doing well in the Netherlands and the boys who are in the trade, these are boys who work very hard and they earn a lot of money and they pay an awful lot of tax, more than half, and you want that to reach 60. percent pull.”

And he also wants to introduce that sky-high wealth tax. “Then they can donate 5 percent of their assets to the state each time. It is almost unattractive to be successful in the Netherlands because you are simply punished for it. That goes a long way, I think.”

Rich and poor

Frans does not comment on that, but redirects the conversation to taxes for companies. “What we propose is that the companies that earn the most go to 30 percent corporate tax. That is 7 percent of the largest companies.”

However, that 60 percent tax rate does not affect companies, but hardworking Dutch people, according to Johan. “You will always, in any society, have rich people and poor people. And the people who are successful… It is almost indecent in the Netherlands to be successful, because then comes Mr. Frans Timmermans.”

‘It’s unfair!’

Frans believes that it is indecent not to give the money of the rich to the poor. “Someone who lives on the proceeds from his assets pays approximately 28 percent tax in the Netherlands. Someone who works for his money 40 percent. That’s unfair too, isn’t it? We then try to correct that.”

Wilfred Genee: “That’s why you want a millionaire tax, right?”

French: “Yes.”

Pay yourself

Well, then Frans can also go docking himself, Wilfred concludes. “Then you will have to pay yourself later, right?”

Frans: “Unfortunately, I am not a millionaire.”

Wilfred: “Yes. If you earn three hundred thousand euros in Europe for ten years, then you have to have a little bit left over, right?”

René van der Gijp: “Was that net?”

Frans: “Well, no, I don’t know, three tons, but it is something like that.”

René: “Net?”

Frans: “Yes, yes.”

‘You can’t do anything about it’

Unbelievable, says Wilfred. “If you can’t get that to a million in ten years, then you can’t do anything. Then you do very strange things.”

Frans: “Then I spent it, yes.”

Johan laughs: “I think he ate it all!”

René finds Frans’s passion for taxes unhealthy. “Let’s be happy that we have multinationals that make billions in profits and that do it well. Come on man, hey.”

Joling sneer

Frans: “But there are also 800,000 people living in poverty in the Netherlands.”

René: “Yes, then we have to drive them all out of the country. We have already done that with Shell.”

Finally: what does Frans think of Gerard Joling’s sneer that he will emigrate when he comes to power? “There’s a chance that will get me seats!”
