Frans Timmermans gets a big blow from Rutger Castricum: ‘Three tons!’

In the conservative TV hit Today Inside, Frans Timmermans gets a slap on the wrist every day from a different table guest and this time it’s Rutger Castricum’s turn. “Incomprehensible!”

© SBS 6, NOS

The most watched talk show in the country is back and the men of Today Inside immediately set the tone: they portrayed Frans Timmermans on Monday as Vader Abraham, with a bowler hat and all. As someone who wants to turn us all into a kind of green smurfs. But Gargamel from Rutger Castricum is happy to put a stop to that.

Big blunder

Rutger finds it ridiculous that the intended party leader of GroenLinks-PvdA ‘is going to campaign at the expense of the European taxpayer’, as The Telegraph it calls. After his self-elected departure as European Commissioner, he will make use of a generous Brussels redundancy pay scheme.

This is simply not possible, Rutger blurts out Inside today. “It is incomprehensible. It really is the very first major blunder of PvdA-GroenLinks as far as I’m concerned. He will keep three hundred thousand euros until the elections and then he will see what salary he will receive. If that is a Chamber salary, he will receive a ton and it will be supplemented. Two years!”

‘Not going to fall well’

Frans will get a lot of attention in the media, Rutger expects. “It’s awkward. If a VVD member were to do it, it would already be strange and you would already condemn it, but a man from PvdA-GroenLinks, that will of course not go down well in the coming months.”

He continues: “You earn three hundred thousand euros for nine years… If you then start a campaign for PvdA-GroenLinks for four months, then have the prospect of a salary and you are simply from the club that stands up for poverty… At least put that Stop. Then you do it for four months without a salary. Surely that should be possible?”

Wilfred Genee: “I think so too.”

John with the cap

Johan Derksen fully agrees with Rutger. “It is very bad for public opinion what he does for a socialist party, which has to put on a hat for the normal Jan. He just fills his pockets.”

Rutger: “It has gone to his head a bit. It’s with a lot of disdain and I hope he shakes that off.”
