‘Frans Klein will earn twice as much money at John de Mol’

Frans Klein, the NPO bobo who is currently on non-active, will earn about twice as much money at Talpa, expects Tina Nijkamp. And that with a much shorter working week…

© CC0 Wikimedia / NPO

It is a cold Tuesday evening in April when Frans Klein, together with two colleagues, including NPO’s radio director Jurre Bosman, is having dinner at the Delhi Darbaar restaurant in Hilversum. It’s a dinner full of gossip and backbiting and everyone can listen in. At one point, the alleged top salary of Talpa bobo Dave Minneboo rolls over the table.

tons per month

Dave returned to Talpa Radio last year after a four-year adventure at Qmusic and he now deserves the top prize there, Frans knows. “A ton a month!” he exclaimed during this dinner on April 4. His table mates couldn’t believe it. But three months later, it seems that Frans may have been very close to the fire…

Frans, who is still on non-active at the NPO because of his role in the DWDD scandal, is going to make the switch to Talpa, it was announced on Friday. The signatures have not yet been signed, but the public broadcaster is apparently already preparing for it. There, even his photo has already disappeared from the image bank for press relations.

450,000 euros

What will Frans himself earn at Talpa? At the public broadcaster he is below the salary ceiling of a good two hundred thousand, but at John de Mol they do not have such a ceiling at all.

Tina Nijkamp, ​​who herself was a channel boss at SBS 6, writes about her analysis channel: “Frans will probably earn around 350 to 450 thousand euros if he does go to Talpa, I suspect. The salaries of program directors at commercial channels have risen sharply in the last ten years.”

Work for a few days

Frans will therefore earn twice as much money, but also work twice as little, Tina expects. “That 350 to 450 thousand euros is for three to four days a week, I think. Erland also worked three days a week at Talpa. Seems more than enough to me, because how else can Frans fill all those days?”

Most of the work has already been done, says Tina. “Erland and Marco have already done very important work by scheduling VI every day. There are not so many slots left to fill. In addition, there are now so many channel managers/directors walking around there.”

Erland’s place

Frans would end up at Talpa at the place of the departed Erland Galjaard (Wendy van Dijk’s husband). “Together with Marco Louwerens and a team, Erland made the program schedules for SBS 6, Net5, Veronica and SBS 9. The difference with Erland is that Frans never made TV himself.”

Before becoming program director, Erland worked in sports and news departments, among other things, says Tina. “Frans would therefore now join a team with all people with a lot of TV-making experience. Both Marco and his boss Paul Römer and John de Mol have all made a lot of TV themselves.”

Iron fist

Marcel van Roosmalen and Gijs Groenteman think that Frans may be disappointed in how little power he will soon be able to exercise at Talpa. “I don’t know exactly which layer of government he will fill, because I think Marco Louwerens rules here with quite an iron fist,” he says this weekend in the podcast Another Day Extra.

Marcel then says: “He will grab him at a certain moment. That’s very simple. Frans Klein, of course, comes up with that chef’s hat, who immediately starts cooking. But don’t think that Louwerens is a good one. He walks over to it, grabs him with that big, long arm and grabs him by the trunk. And that will make it very clear to him who is in charge.”
