Frank Jansen suffers from gas prices: ‘Must heat three houses’

Frank Jansen is much more bothered by rising energy prices than the average Dutch person. “I’m really worried because I have a few houses, so I’m being peeped all over the place.”

© William Rutten

More and more people in the Netherlands can no longer make ends meet because of the extremely increased energy prices. That is very annoying, but celebrities don’t have it easy either. Frank Jansen points out that he is suffering from the energy crisis above average. He has three houses.

Three houses

Frank is terribly worried. “I’m very worried because I have a few houses, so I’m being paged all over the place. I’m talking about three large buildings here, so I’m really worried,” he says in the Weekend.

There’s a chance Frank will have a lot less money left over for his trips and fancy dinners. “No, I don’t know how high those bills are, because I’m burying my head in the sand. When I am in the Netherlands, I will notice. What I do know is that it will cost me more and there will be less left in my account to do other things.”

Very expensive

Frank thinks it’s really bummed that you’re forced to live a more frugal life. “That’s the annoying thing and also very sad for everyone, by the way.”

In which of his three houses does he now reside? “At the moment I live more in France, and it is the same there. I only live here on electricity, but that is very expensive.”

To spare

Fortunately, his life has become cheaper due to the divorce with Rogier Smit, says Frank. “How do I save? I had a very expensive guest living with me, but he’s gone, haha! By that I mean Rogier, who was expensive to use.”

Finally: “It’s a shame, but unfortunately we all have to believe it. By the way, I think the real blow is yet to come, for everyone.”
