Frank Dane loves his brother Robert Jensen: ‘My best friend!’

Frank Dane still loves his brother Robert Jensen, despite making those controversial programs on the Internet. “Naturally. My brothers may be my best friends!”

© YouTube, RTL

It will not always be easy for Frank Dane that his brother Robert Jensen makes such controversial programs on the internet, in which he opposes corona vaccinations, for example. Yet that has not put pressure on their family bond, says the 538 presenter in an interview with NPO Radio 1.

‘Best friend!’

Presenter Margreet Reijntjes wonders what the familial ties look like between the two brothers. “Your brother has his own platform, is extremely critical about corona policy, about climate policy, talks about the ‘mainstream media’, etcetera. Are you talking about that with him?”

Frank: “Of course. My brothers may be my best friends. I see them a lot, we call a lot. Sometimes not for a while, but we really talk about everything, yes. And Robert is a lot more outspoken than I am. We differ in that.”

fiery conversations

Margreet wonders whether Frank and Robert ever have fiery conversations about topics such as corona in private. “Then maybe he wants to convince you?”

Frank laughing: “No, dude, no. It is not a preacher.”

Christmas tree

Ron Vergouwen, Margreet’s sidekick, interrupting: “And you dance together around the Christmas tree.”

He is referring here to Frank’s revelation from years ago. Then he told the Volkskrant that they still celebrate Christmas in the family in the Danish way: “In Denmark it is tradition to dance with children around the Christmas tree, hand in hand.”

At the time, there was still a heated argument between Robert and Youp van ‘t Hek.

“Are there pictures of that?”

Frank admits: “Yes, we dance around the Christmas tree together! Well…”

Ron: “Are there any pictures of that, Frank? I think it would be so nice to see the Jensen family dancing around the Christmas tree.”

Frank: “Yes, I understand that. Since there are indeed children and grandchildren in the family, it has to happen every now and then, yes.”
