Frank Dane chased after radio broadcast: ‘In the parking lot’

Radio 538 presenter Frank Dane (41) has been chased after a live broadcast on the radio. “I was chased in the parking lot. I wasn’t attacked or anything. How should I say it?”


Celebrities are often very easy to trace: they sometimes work at set times, their presence is announced and otherwise they show where they are on Instagram. Big stars are always a bit wary for that reason. Frank Dane was therefore shocked when he was chased in the parking lot after a live broadcast.

Frank chased

It was very bizarre, Frank says in his afternoon show on Radio 538. “I was chased by a light in a parking lot. That was years ago and then I didn’t have an iPhone that I could film it. It was very quiet and very calm. I could also look at it and it was walking towards me.”

A light? Frank is referring here to a possible alien entity. “I was 25 years old, it was in the parking lot of a studio where I was doing a radio show and it was the middle of the night. It was very friendly, yellowish light. It hung in front of me, it was kind of like a ball. I swear. I swear.”

Yellow ET

Frank is serious about this; he has also told the story several times in the past. But eh, some kind of yellow ET? “I could go there and I didn’t want to leave either, because I thought… It was very friendly, it depended on me. It didn’t attack me or anything, not that it comes at you like a wasp. It was quiet and elegant. It was really beautiful.”

How yellow did it look then? “It did have a bit of a soft… How should I put it? The core was hard and it was getting softer around it. Yes, bizarre.”

Very floaty

Doesn’t Frank himself think that this all sounds very woolly? “I wanted to show it to everyone, I wanted to film it, but it was the middle of the night. What should you do? After five minutes I thought: I’ll just get in the car and drive away. Yes, really that, yes. I can’t explain it. I know how stupid this sounds.”

A yellow ET or a practical joke from a naughty colleague? One thing is certain: Frank sees them flying.
