Frank Busemann’s EM column: Farewell to decathlon king Arthur Abele

Status: 08/15/2022 08:01 a.m

Decathlete Arthur Abele starts in his last competition. ARD athletics expert Frank Busemann is certain: Munich, where the Olympic spirit of 1972 circulates over the European Championships, is the perfect place for it.

The king is dead, long live the king! King Arthur goes and the successor will come. Luckily, Arthur Abele was only over in a broader sense. Again and again. Clinically dead, so to speak. He kept reviving himself. A miracle in flesh and blood.

The eternal fight against injuries

He is now 36 years old. He surpassed 8,000 points for the first time 16 years ago, 15 times since then and crowned his career with the 2018 European Championship title. It was actually a single injury, an anatomical total loss (I may say so. I was one too). But the spirit was willing and he survived years of doubts, waiting and training unscathed and is here in Munich for the last stand.

There are athletes who are like brewery horses. They are indestructible. Robust. Durable. They do three decathlons a year. Of course it makes you happy. That’s just easy. Every now and then one slips out.

Then there are athletes who are not so resilient. They do one or two decathlons a year and always hurt themselves pretty badly. It sucks, but they keep having competitions. The dry spell is manageable and part of competitive sport.

There is only one Arthur Abele

And then there are these Abeles. Not correct. There is only one Arthur Abele. Sometimes he couldn’t do a decathlon for four years. That’s inhuman. Despite sheer hopelessness, never losing heart and always being convinced that everything will be fine.

Munich flair like at the 1972 Olympics

So now Munich. European Championship. Part III After Zurich and Berlin, he chose this place steeped in history for his farewell. Where the Olympic Games were at home 50 years ago and still are. Munich was never dead. In contrast to so many others, the Olympic site was not degenerated and forgotten. Still beautiful and sublime.

Athletics in Munich – a celebration!

When I entered the premises upon arrival, it was magical. Without having experienced the games half a century ago, I suddenly felt them. This is totally crazy. People are still crazy about sports, interested and enthusiastic. In a unique setting. It was a party, it will be a party.

Just like Abeles’ European title four years ago. That tore the stadium off the stool. These are emotions that life writes. This is the youth and enthusiasm acquisition potential that the games of 1972 and Abele’s European Championship victory brought with them. Make sport come alive. Join in the excitement. With great stories, bad guys, in wonderful locations.

Munich lit the fire

Abele will not win here anymore, he will say goodbye. Munich has kindled the fire again after 50 years. Something like that is fun and joy and the most important thing in the world so wonderful. And the new king will also write such stories. Other. Completely different. Because there is only one Abele.

This is Frank Buseman

February 26, 1975 (Recklinghausen)
Decathlon, hurdle sprint
Sporting achievements:
Olympic silver 1996 (8,706 points)
World Championship Bronze 1997 (8,652 points)
U23 European Champion 110 m hurdles 1997 (13.54 sec.)
Junior World Champion 110 m hurdles 1994 (13.47 sec.)
Rudolf Harbig Memorial Prize 2004
Sportsman of the Year 1996
end of career:
June 23, 2003
Career after career:
Lectures/seminars on the subject of motivation
ARD athletics expert
(Morgenmagazin, Das Erste,
